fto: Caught Red Handed

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                   —Divinis Magia—

The guild hall is filled with familiar loud noises and arguing voices

Ritchie: "Quit down!*lighting crash* As most of us know tomorrow we will be having a celebration."

Kit: "For what?"

Brandon: "We will be celebrating the anniversary of when we first opened the guild."

Lucas: "That's cool. What's all going to happen?"

David: "Let me tell you my dear boy!*slaps his back* We all wake up at 8 in the morning to a glorious arrangement of excellent, beautiful, and flavorful food. Get this pebble brain even eats it! *Don't call me that!* The small is enough to make your mouth water, the sight makes you want to melt, and the taste Oh the taste is like you died and went to a heaven above heaven."

Inmo: "It's that good?"

Bjorn: "*loud laughter* It is quite luscious my boy *pats his head*"

Mario: "I will admit what they said is true.  The rest of the day is spent playing games and watching movies in a big pile till we all fall asleep."

Tapio: "hmm, This seems quite enjoyable."

David:  "I wish Ritchie and Brandon would give us the name of the person they get the food off of. I'd spend all my money just to have their cooking when ever I wanted."

Ritchie: "Now for the newbies since you don't know yet, on occasion like this you're not aloud out of your home after 8. I want you all well rested for tomorrow. Now my brother and I must get going."

                  —later that night—

Kit: "Ok, here's the plan we go near the guild hall and wait for Ritchie or Brandon to come back. When they set the food up we wait till they leave, then Mario you will  pick up the person's scent, document it and the day after tomorrow we go look for the person."

Mario: "So that is why you brought us all hear. Also you expect us all to wait all night by the hall. If they don't catch us while we are there, they would tell by us being tired in the morning."

Tapio: "I could hide our scent,sound,and our looks from them as long as they aren't actively looking for us."

Inmo: "We could also take shifts and wake the others when they arrive."

David: "Yea, that will work."

Lucas: " I already know I'm going to be forced to participate if David is in, but it does sound like a good plan."

Bjorn l: "Then it's settled we go now! I'd be opposed usually but the secret of who makes the food has gone on long enough off."

            —1 in the morning —

It has been 4 hours since the agreement. Every thing has quite until now. Ritchie has just appeared with 4 bags in total, 2 on each hand. David woke everyone up as Ritchie entered the hall.

As they pecked though the windows they were met with the sight of fresh produce nicely set out on the long counter. They all kept quiet, not saying a thing too focused on watching Ritchie.

Ritchie: " *mumbles* Thank you again brother for getting the food while I was asleep. Now let's get cooking!*smiles and crackes his knuckles*

For the next 2 hours the group watched as Ritchie moved effectively. It was as if he was in his natural habitat. Each movement fast, yet persice, calcalated, yet smooth as if he was a calm river flowing down stream. The way with a flick of his wrist the food in the pans flew up and back down never losing a single piece. They watched as he moved back and forth, one pan to another never letting anything burn. The look on Ritchie's face was that of concentration, care, and love. The group of people outside looked at each other slightly agreeing to head home and get ready for tomorrow.

              —8:30 in the guild hall —

As everyone sat down at the tables in their usual spots, they were met with a plate filled with food that was arranged how they would've prepare it. The hall was filled with sounds of silverware hitting the plates and the occasional "seconds please".

The rest of they day was spent with fun, games, and laughter. It was now very late at night everyone was in the cuddle pile(<left to right> Bjorn, Inmo, David, Brandon, Ritchie, Tapio, Kit, and Mario) all about to fall asleep after their 5th movie. Before the others fell asleep they thanked Ritchie for making the food.

Ritchie*shocked*: "How did... did they.*looks at Brandon*

Brandon: " it appears that they did brother. Now let's go to sleep you can handle this in the morning."

In the morning there was a game of doge the lightning bolt for his guild mates. However, now when he is making anything that has flavor he asks if anyone wants some of it and if they want to watch him cook. Either way there was always a yes. On the plus side no-one in the guild calls Ritchie a bad cook anymore, much to his pleasure.

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