Fto: "A Tour

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Ritchie was being pulled to the docks by Amari, Brandon following behind.

Amira: "Come! I want to see where you guys have been."

Ritchie and Brandon laughed as they shooked their heads.

Ritchie: "I'm Coming. Are you sure you want to take a boat?"

Amira: "Yea, I've never been on one. Momma and dad never really let me go outside. Brandon are you sure you want to stay?"

Brandon: "I'm sure, I need to do some work and Ritchie is in need of a break. Have fun you two."

Ritchie: "Don't over work yourself."

Amira: "Bye-bye!"

With that Ritchie and Amira set sail.


Ritchie held Amira hand as he helped her out of the boat.

Amira: "Thank you."

Ritchie: "You're welcome. Now I want you to keep ahold of my hand ok?"

Amira: "Oh-ok... Ritchie I'm a little nervous."

Ritchie: "It's ok your big brother is here for you."

Ritchie made a mussel arm with his free hand. This made Amira laugh as she followed into the city with her brother.

Ritchie: "Welcome to Alantied Amira."

Ritchie went around showing her the different building and stands. He got Amira a bag of candy to try and a stuff hippo. Amira seemed to be enjoying herself, eventhough she felt shy.

Amira: "Woah what's that building for? It looks like a circus."

Ritchie: "That's La Carnival and entertainment guild, they are new. You already met two members."

Amira: "I did?"

Ritchie: "Yea, it was Flurry and Yamitsu. Do you want to go and visit? "

Amira thought for a second.

Amira: "Just a peek."

Ritchie nodded his head as they made their way inside. They could hear music upstairs and saw an old man sleeping on the couch. Soon Flurry rounded the corner with Yamitsu.

Flurry: "Hi little one, It's great to see you again. Hello Ritchie. "

Amira: "H-hi."

Yamitsu: "What brings you to our humble place?"

Ritchie: "Hello to you both two. I'm just showing Amira around."

Flurry: "That's so nice. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Amira: "What's that noise?"

Yamitsu: "It's from a dancing game upstairs."

Amira's eyes lit up.

Amira: "Can-can I see?"

Flurry: "Sure darling, you can even play if you want."

Ritchie let Amira drag him upstairs. They saw a tall clown playing the game.

Flurry: "Cecil! It's time for you to study."

Cecil: "Oh, ok. Hi little girl."

Amira hide on the side of Ritchie.

Amira: "H-hi can I play on the-the game?"

Cecil thought really hard.

Cecil: "Yea, but don't break it."

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