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Bryan, kaylabear, and Xylo: "Welcome to the next floor!"

Mario: "Do you guys always have to say that?"

Bryan: "Yes we do Mar-e-o."

Mario: "God you're so annoying."

Bryan: "Did I hear a please kill me again?"

Xylo: "No killing Mario "Thank you!" right now. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" Now I want everyone on guard, we don't know what scp this is or if it's in containment."

Kaylabear: "Ok will do."

Everyone got off the elevator and started to search around. Bryan shooting at sounds here and there, his shots hitting the others. They were going about their normal banter, when they came across a containment room with an item in it. Kaylabear went to look at it only to trip and knock it near Mario.

Bryan: "Great going Kaylabear, you could've broken it."

Kaylabear: "You're the one that tripped me!"

Mario: "Relax I'll just put it back."

Xylo: "Mario noo!"

A bright light filled the room as Mario put it back on the pedestal. When it cleared a kid Mario in overgrown clothes was left standing. His pants and underwear fell to the floor, his hoodie went to just above his ankles. Mario was about a foot taller than Kaylabear.

Kaylabear: "He's so cute!"

Bryan: "Aweee, let me pinch these cheeks of yours."

Mario: "Ahhhh!"

Mario pushes him away and runs near the door.

Mario: "Stay way, stay way!"

Xylo: "It's ok Mario we are friends."

Mario: "Nuuu, bad peepole, bad mans!"

Bryan tries to approach him more, only to have Mario press himself against the door.

Bryan: "Its ok Mario we aren't bad."

Mario: "Stay way!"

Mario was close to crying, tears streaming down his face, Kaylabear getting in-front of him.

Kaylabear: "Stop your scarring him more. Mario do you remember us."

Mario shaked his head.

Mario: "Nu, me nu know chu  teddybeaw. Only they bad man wants tu huwt me."

Xylo: "We don't want to hurt you."

Mario: "Nu believe, has said befow!"

Bryan and Xylo stepped forward, Bryan accidentally showing his guns. This set Mario into a panic and he started to throw random unimportant stuff, some how managed to open the door. They all split up to find Mario. Kaylabear found him first. Mario was hiding underneath a table.

Kaylabear: "Can I join you under there?"

Mario: "Yes chi can."

Kaylabear: "Are you feeling better."

Mario: "kinda, are bad mans gone?"

Kaylabear: "They aren't in here right now. How about we play a game."

Mario: "Good, is can hold chu?"

Kaylabear: "Yes you can, we can play Eye Spi."

Mario and Kaylabear spent a couple minutes playing until Xylo and bryan walked in. Mario immediately shut up, trying not to be found. Xylo and Bryan was looking around for Mario. Xylo looking around the small corners and Bryan under the tables.

Headcanons and maybe one-shots Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant