Fto: Fusion?

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Divinis Magia was having a meeting in their new guild hall.

Ritchie: "Kit I need you to burn some of this wood."

Kit: "..."

Brandon: "Kit can you burn some of the unusable wood?"

Kit: "Sure thing Brandon."

David: "That got to hurt. Why don't we all get a drink? Oh, wait you can't have any, Haha."

Lucas and Blake: "DAVID!"

Plant: "Plant!"

David: "What!?"

Devin: "That was a little bit rude."

They all started to argue when Inmo came crushing into the room. As he feel to the floor a potion went flying throw the air and got all over Ritchie and Brandon. A cry of their names, mostly Brandon's, rang throughout the room as smoke covered them. They all rushed to them.

Blake: "Are you both ok?!"

Ritchie and Brandon: "I'm fine."

A familiar voice rang out from the smoke, it sounded echoey and not completely right. As it cleared only one person stud where the guild leaders were.

Inmo: "Who are you and what did you do to Mister Brandon and Sir Ritchie?!"

Brandon and Ritchie: "What are you talking about we're...I'm right here?"

Ritchie and Brandon go to look down to see only one body. They both felt different, it didn't feel bad instead it felt... nice. They, he made his way to a mirror and saw Ritchie  and Brandon as one person.

Lucas: "So, what I'm guessing is you both got fused together."

David: "Hahah, what do we call you now, Britchie? Randon? Ranie?"

Randon: "We, I like Randon. My name is Randon."

Kit: "I don't know what to think."

Blake: "How do you feel?"

Randon: "I feel great."

His voice seemed to completely settle.

Devin: "This will take some getting used to."

Kit: "We should find an antidote."


The week went bye slowly. It took a while for everyone to get use to Randon. Not one twin was ever in control, it was like the fusion was a different person altogether. He wasn't as talkative as Ritchie, but not as sassy as Brandon. The punishment game was still bad... for the guild at least Randon was having fun.

The only time the twins seemed out of  sync was Brandon snapping at the guild for then putting down his brother. Now that they were fused he could feel his brothers emotions more, like they were his own. Sadly all good things have to come to an end and the twins were split in two again, but at least now they can hug eachother again.

(419 words. I lost motivation for this. I was going to do more interactions with them fused, like with Michael and the grandcouncil. This is of course based off of my drawing, seeing as I didn't have the motivation to describe them in this chapter. Feel free to do your own version of this if you wish)

-October 19,2020-

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