Fto: Brother?

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Everyone in Divinis Magia was outside getting lectured and shocked by a very  disheveled and drunk Ritchie. His face was red and pale. His eyes were sunken, dark, held sadness, anger, and hate. He was leaning against the building to keep upright.


David: "Says you."

Ritchie: "WHAT WAS THAT!??"

Ritchie stumbles when he tried to stop leaning against the building. The wind picking up.

Lucas: "It was nothing Ritchie."

Kit: "How about we calm down? Ritchie maybe you should lay down."

Kit and Mario were whispering to eachother.

Mario: "What are you doing?"

Kit: "Trying to help. He looks even worst than before."

Mario: "Let me handle it. Unlike you my magic protects me at least a little."

Ritchie wasn't really paying attention, too forced on trying to see and not let the darkness and fatigue take over. Kit and Mario continue to whisper until a powerful gus of wind sent everyone back. Kit fell onto Mario, Inmo fell on the ground, Tapio ended up in a tree, David and Lucas fell in the water. Ritchie was sent back into the building. A person landed near Ritchie.

Jupiter: "Well, well, well, what do I have before me?"

Everyone looked at him in shock. Lucas and Mario got into fighting positions.

Tapio: "Who are you?"

Ritchie struggle to get in front of Jupiter, he couldn't even manage to move his hands.

Ritchie: "Wa.. br..br..other?"

Suddenly darkness took over Ritchie's vision as he fell. Surprisingly Jupiter  caught him and held him bridle style. The others got over their shock seeing Ritchie limp in his arms.

David: "Let him go!!"

Everyone ready their attacks. Jupiters voice was mocking.

Jupiter: "I wouldn't do that unless you want to hurt your poor guild leader or have me kill him. As for who I am.. take a guess."

Everyone was silent want Lucas spoke

Lucas: "...Are you Brandon's demon?

Jupiter: "Right on the nose. He never told you my name did he? Well then the name is Jupiter and I'll be going now."

Before anyone could do anything he shot off with Ritchie.


Jupiter landed outside of an abandoned house. Ritchie's breathing was heavy and uneven, his face was also scrunched up in discomfort.

Jupiter: "What am I going to do with you? I can't bring Rijin out with your sorry state now, I guess I'll have to help you recover."

Jupiter went inside and layed Ritchie on a bed and coved him before he left. He returned with a trashcan and put a cold cloth on his head.

Jupiter would here Ritchie mumbling in his sleep.

Ritchie's words: "I'm sorry... don't.... please.... did I do something....sorry....come back."


It's been 3 hours since he kidnapped Ritchie. Everything was semi quiet when Ritchie suddenly shot up and looked to the side. He saw the trashcan and proceeded to throw up. Jupiter held his hair back and awkwardly patted his back. When Ritchie pulled back, you could just tell he was completely out of it and sick.

Jupiter: "Looks like I'm going to need to get a new cloth. Shaving his stubble would be good too. Are you done?"

Ritchie looked at him, slowly opening and closing his eyes. He's body was stiff and you could tell he was also in pain.

Ritchie: "*whine* Wa.. look like...brother?"

Jupiter: "Sure, just dont think about this too much. I'm going to shave your face."

Ritchie let Jupiter do what ever he wanted. Jupiter cleaned up his face before having him lay down again. He was about to leave when Ritchie grabbed his cloak.

Ritchie: "Don't *cough* leave... leave me."

Jupiter: "I'll be back... I promise... brother"

Jupiter said that as nicely as he could. Ritchie seemed to believe him as he gently and slowly let go. Jupiter dumped the puke outside as.

Jupiter: "Looks like he wasn't taking care of himself, if so he barely was. Why did they let him get to this point I wonder."

For the next week Jupiter was taking care of Ritchie. He feed, bathed, and clothed him. In Ritchie's sleep he'd leave suggesting of him letting Rijin out, let them both be free. Jupiter never got to say all that he wanted because of an annoying pest. When he was out to get more supplies the other guild leaders got Ritchie back.

(735 words. I decided to write this before I forgot. Feel free to redo this or if you want to do your own version. I'm not double checking this.)

-September 9,2020-

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