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The day started out normal. All the guilds were at a party celebrating the Protectors anniversary. That was until they all was attacked.

The attackers came one after another, they seemed to never stop. The attackers seemed to do their homework and had everyone's weakness to combat all the guild members. They seemed to have a magic dampening force field that only affected them and enchanted their magics. Not only that but they had hostages. This attack also happened when the guild leaders were tired form a couple of hard quest that needed them.

The attackers managed to take down Lily, Kay, and Inmo first. Luckily they were still conscious, just unable to fight. Slowly the managed to back them into a corner. The only ones able to stand were Ritchie, Brandon, and Pat.

Aollmous was an the side lines helping the injured stay safe. He used a relic that let's him have a physical form and use his magic. However, since Pat and him were out of mana he can't use his magic. Pat was also out of bullets for his guns.

David: "What are we going to do!"

Lo'Pho: "We fight, Ahhh!"

Bri: "Don't move, you'll make your injuries worse."

Ritchie: "Pat, do you think you can shoot them down?"

Pat: "Yes, but I don't have ammo."

Brandon:*whispering* "We didn't ask that. Follow our lead and when we give you the signal shoot them. You'll know it when you see it, but first give us your hand and do not hesitate."

Pat took the twins hand as they walked in-front of everyone. They had their eyes closed forcing on something, Pat started to feel something in his soul. It felt like they were connect in agood sense, but he also felt something bad deep inside of Ritchie.

BBG: "Look how the mighty have fallen. Once I'm done here I'll move onto the rest of Alantied and broadcast all of your deaths, Hahahahah!"

Ritchie and Brandon: "Now!"

Ritchie and Brandon suddenly turned into guns identical to Pat's. True to his world Pat did no hesitate; He instantly started to shoot, killing the rest of the bad guys. When the last bad guy dropped the twins turned back. Pat's, Ritchie's, and Brandon's bodies swayed before dropping to the ground, the twins unconscious and Pat barely conscious.

                    -One day later-

Everyone was patched up and almost completely heal. Pat has woke up already and was question about what happened. Pat explain how he felt a weird feeling in his soul as the twins did that and that was all he knows.

When the twins woke up Michael had to keep the others from bombarding them before they could fully wake up and eat. After an hour the twins started to explain.

Ritchie: "Now no interruptions. As you know my brother and I aren't from here. In our world we do have magic, not like the magic here. You all just assumes we didn't when we said that. In our world we have witches, kinshins, weapons, and meisters. My brother and I are meisters and weapons. Meisters are people who handle the weapons and helps them level up to become death weapons. They have the ability to sense souls and can very in what they are capable of doing."

Brandon: "Weapons are people who can turn into weapons. Some people have the ability to change into any weapon, some can change into any as long as it  fall into the same classification, and others only have one form. Weapons goal are to devour 99 kinshin souls and one witch so they can become a death weapon and to protect the humans. Usually only certain people can handle them, but can change depending on circumstances. Normal weapons can turn any part of their body into their weapon at any time. However, since my brother and I are half it's a little harder to do it when our life isn't threatened."

Ritchie: "We only kill the bad witches. Kinshin are twisted, madden souls. They are bent on killing everyone and plunging the world into madness. They are made from people killing eachother and doing horrible crimes. Another way they are made are by weapons eating regular human souls, pure souls. There is a school ran by death himself to train people like my brother and I. My brother and I was put as a team, seeing as it doesn't put too much strain on us. Before you ask, yes my brother and I can devour souls, and yes they have different tastes and textures."

Kit and Inmo: "That's so cool!!"

Lo'Pho: "Death himself, how  astonishing what is he like."

Brandon: "No serious at all and when he is their is no hope for you."

David: "That's unsettling to think of."

The room was filled with chatter of what the twins said, that was until Pat asked something that shut everyone up.

Pat: "Ritchie if it's not too much trouble may I ask you something?"

Ritchie nods

Pat: "When you and Brandon did that thing to let me use you both I felt a unpleasant feeling. What was that?"

Ritchie:*uncomfortable voice and look* "That would be Black Blood. It's not a good thing and I try to stay awake from it."

Michael: "What does it do?"

Brandon: " It plunges the person into madness. It messes with the persons mind, trapping them inside. They act insane and the blood can be used kind of as a weapon, if the person wasn't one already. It can harden and then go back into being a liquid. When harden it's a  substance that is hard to destroy."

Kay: "Do you have it Brandon?"

Brandon: "No you have to be infected with it."

Bri: "How was he infected with it?"

Ritchie: "We had a fight with a person who was fused completely with it and with their weapon. This is a taboo in our world because your weapon is still a living thing. Also one or both will lose themselves and since this person also had black blood, they were considered a walking corpse. How I got infected was because they forced the blood blood into my system, if it wasn't for my brother I would have completely lost my mind. I just have to be careful to never let it take me and avoid people with insanity magic. If I ever do end up in that state it's hard to get me out but not impossible. I think that about it.

The room was once again filled with chatter and questions. It took an hour for everyone to calm down. Jakey gave everyone cookies as they watched moved and played game for the rest of the day.

(I think this is my longest oneshot. 1121 words. I'm surprised and shocked at myself. Anyway sorry for any writing mistakes. Also sorry if I messed up any info I haven't watched Soul eater in I don't know how long. I got this idea while talking a little with Mkay77. So look out for their vision of people finding out about the twins. Theirs will not be the same.)

June 14,2020

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