more fto crossover

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(Sorry not sorry)


1. Ritchie and Brandon falls down the mountain into the underground filled with people who can do magic. The mages still have weak souls like monsters. Lo'Pho and Tapio are still cats.

Regular humans still have the stronger souls, that if it's a trait strong enough it gives then an ability, not magic. They both are able to save and reset the world. Jupiter and Rijin will act as the people trying to get them to do a genocide or if they start and try to stop a genocide, they will take control.

2. Ritchie and Brandon was the first humans to fall, they were trying to find herbs for Brandon. They spent 3 years in the underground, until Brandon got so sick they had to put him in a substance that would keep him alive and not age. They also put a shard of Ritchie's soul in Brandon's. Ritchie fused with Asriel to cross the border to get human help. They 'kill' them both.

Ritchie's body was buried with submerged in the same liquid Brandon was in. His body being in this state and the experiments on his being trapped him at the beginning until a human fall. If they died and don't come back, he is shot back to the beginning and put back into a sleep. They also used his body to help keep Brandon alive.

Ritchie became the voice we hear in the game. Just like Chara the more you kill, the more corrupt he becomes. If he becomes too corrupt he will take over the body and will erase the timeline, cureing the hatred and corruption. He will and still has guilt of what he did. The only way to stop him from erasing is if you woke up and healed Brandon.

Ritchie is kind of soulless. At the beginning he has no soul. When Brandon was saved his soul slowly started to be recreated with a shard of Brandon's because Brandon had a shard of his. No matter what the twins will always have a shard of the other in their soul.

They both got to fto from a glitch in their world and a magic from fto interference with eachother as the universes crossed paths.

If a mage brakes Ritchie's soul he will still be alive and his soul will slowly mend itself back together. With Michael's and Bri's help his soul will mend faster. Depending who he latches onto or is near him will affect his behavior. If the person was loving around him, he will be mellow, we already know what happened with negative emotions. If his body is too battered he will latch onto a person as a ghost.

They can still summon their souls and to show how much they trust their guild, they let them take care of their souls. If they showed it affection like hugs and kisses, they will feel the feeling of it. If you tickle it, you tickle them. If you give them a massage, it will relax Ritchie and Brandon. They can make it where they won't feel anything you do to the soul until it returns into their chest, they will feel a rush of all the emotions and treatment poured into the soul all at once.

Ritchie and Brandon can summon the others souls and fight like they could back in their world. However, this takes alot of energy.

If you crack their souls even on accident they will recoil from that person some. Cracks will appear on the souls depending on the twins mental state. Everyone in the guild always try to make the scars on Ritchie and Brandon's souls fade and if they see a new crack, they will get the whole guild to shower the souls in affection.

Brandon and Ritchie can feel when Jakey uses his magic and knows if he changes an event they heard or witnessed.

(What type of soul do you think they all would have?)

-June 22,2020-

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