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The Wild hunt didn't want to go after Austin because he absorbed the dragon and that was seen as a sacred creature. Phoenixes are also sacred having a hand at rebirth, growth, and destruction, so why did they get ride of Rian?

It might have to do with the fact he was actively trying to stop them, but I think its something else. I believe they sent Rian there to break him and make it easier to get rid of all supernaturals. They wouldn't have to go on a hunt for them all when a Phoenix werewolve was helping them. They also get put to rest when Rian destroys them for revenge.

Rian still carries Pierre's(?) pendent on him and he absorbed Ritchie back into him. He now can understand nature and some of his powers, but he chooses to enore them.

Maya(?) keeps Brandon's life force with her. She's keeping him safe from the void and finding a way to keep him safe.

Somewhere along the way Rian and Brandon met and forced to help and take care of eachother. This helped them both.

If in fto, this applies to what was uptop.

The wild hunt catches on and tryed to kill them, but fail. Instead they were reborn with what was left of Rian's phoenix powers as twins inside a mother that has been trying to get pregnant. Maya holds a glob of their supernatural parts of their soul and Peri.

The twins still had memories from their past and was a little scared when they got glimpse. They know what they were like in their old life, but they didn't care that they didn't really like eachother back then. They still wanted to be twins and care for eachother. A side effect was that they could see each other's old memories, this made them even more protective of eachother.

Maya was going to turn them back to normal, but heard they wanted to stay twins. She went on a search for a way to keep them twins and return them to 'normal'. She and Lucas acted like a guardian angel to the twins. Lucas saw how they went crazy when they were serious hurt and flat lined (Crazy stuff man, crazy stuff. This was accidents and people harming them). Lucas research if there was a way for them to share or remove the phoenix gene. They did manage to do all this but the twins dissapeared before they could return them to supernaturals.

(Here me out Ritchie and Brandon are from a Naruto world)

-August 21,2020-

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