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Am proud of the gaybean so far.

I don't fully agree with what Kol did of how he executed it, but I understand why, especially since his mother died from an explosion.

Kol has scars and burn marks from when the building exploded. When it did he was trapped unable to talk. He was covered in rubble and could only see his mother's mangled body. When the hero's arrived that made in proper comments about his mother and they didn't even find him. It took a fireman to find him.

The principal takes Momkey on very thoughtful dates.

Jack tries to hand make his friends gifts and it's not just because hes poor.


Kol threatened the principal about of he hurts his mom.

Kol and him bounding after Kol and Momkey got into an argument. One of the things hell have to say is 'Your not my dad and never will be.' And if you want to hit hard have him say 'Your not even my real mom'

The bounding can be about anything. You can even mention and have Kol talk to the principal about hie his mother died and that's why he took it so seriously.

Jack having to go back to his old mask and feeling uncomfortable. However Blake in her own way keeps everyone from making fun of him (only she is aloud to do that and that's just a tiny bit.)

I forgot what else I wanted to put

-March 1,2021-

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