OoO: Alone

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It was a fairly quiet day at camp. Ritchie and Michael were on their way to see Austin and Ritchie's brothers before they go on their quest. Ritchie was trying to cheer up Michael because he seemed on edge. They knocked on Austin's door as Ritchie rocked on his heels. When Austin opened the door he eminently slammed it in their faces.

Michael: "What was that for?"

Michael even sounded irritated.

Bri: "Austin is upset with you guys and so am I. We would like for you to leave us alone."

Ritchie: "What did we do?"

Austin: "You tried to keep us apart and you were being mean."

Michael: "How we- nevermind, I'm just letting you know we're going on a quest so don't do anything stupid."

Austin: "I dont care."

Ritchie: "We'll have a proper conversation about this when we get back ok?"

Austin: "Whatever... be safe bear parents."

With that Ritchie and Michael went to find Inmo and Colin.


30 minutes passed before they found Inmo. Michael took a seat on a bench because one he was irritated and two, he knows Inmo is kind shy. Inmo went to hide behind a cabin when Ritchie confronted him.

Ritchie: "Hey Inmo, how are you?"

Ritchie kept his voice down.

Inmo: "Emm, fi-fine. What... what do you want?"

Ritchie: "I'm going on a quest that'll take an hour or so and I wanted to give this to you."

Ritchie handed Inmo a kit to take care of his pets and his instruments. Colin just so happed to walk by them. He also kept his voice low because he saw Inmo.

Colin: "What are you guys doing?"

Ritchie: "Perfect timeing. I'll be on a quest for an hour, three hours top and I wanted to check in on you both and give you gifts."

Colin: "You didn't have too."

Ritchie handed Colin a new smoothy maker and a new weapon.

Inmo and Colin: "Thank you/ th-thanks."

Ritchie: "No problem we got to go now see you later."

Ritchie rejoined Michael as Inmo and Colin talked together. They decided to spend the day together.


On the way to the place Ritchie and Michael need to go, Ritchie was trying to get Michael to relax. Michael was still agitated and wasn't really conversing like we normally would with Ritchie. After fighting some monsters they came to a stop in-front of this building . It looked like it only had a door and had a funny, but not hostile aura around it.

Michael: "Let's be careful and quickly grab what we need."

Ritchie: "Right."

Ritchie opened the door all the way and got it to stay as Michael carefully entered. There was only one room, no windows and a dim light that wasn't coming from the open door. On object floated in the middle, it looked like a ring with a stone in it. Ritchie carefully followed Michael and was making remarks to try and get him to laugh. The layed just out of Michael's reach. Ritchie grabbed it and was in the process of handing it to Michael.

Ritchie: "A little out of reach huh, shorty~"

Michael snatched the item and was red in the face.

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