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Soo, yea the twins are royalty.

I think they were slightly abused and manipulated as they were raised.

The father would run them rugged and be the ones to send them to discipline for anytime they messed up. The mother would act like the good guy and say phrases like, 'I'm doing this to protect you.', 'this is because I love you.'. She'd make them seem like they could trust her and also instilled the instinct to listen to her.

Ritchie went through more rigorous training so he'd be able to protect Brandon because Brandon would take the thrown and have more control over the count.

Both twins were poised alot so they could build a type of resistance to them. The parents said this so assassins would have a hard time killing the twins.

Both twins hated being royalty so whenever they got the chance they'd go out to explore.

Francesca throws to drug Brandon sometimes, she's threatened girls that came to close to him, she'd goo on about their future and have they'd have lots of babies. She even cut some if his hair and made a doll of him.

Ritchie would try and help Brandon hide from her. The parents didn't get to find Ritchie a fiancee because they dissapeared.

On the way back to Alantied the twins will take their sister because their parents only saw her as a tool to prolong the bloodline. She also followed them without their knowledge.

-December 3,2020-

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