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Ritchie is getting stronger and weaker at the same time. He's using his magic on little to no food, drunk, and more sleep deprived than Michael. However its affecting his body negatively. He's becoming thinner and losing and somehow gaining muscle. He wasn't kidding when he said all he does was look for his brother and drink.  He's also training himself ragged, so him doing powerful spells on low power is hurting himself and making him stronger too.

The bartender made a deal with Ritchie to eat here and there and he'll give him more alcohol with no complaints. The bartender will  give Ritchie drinks that has barely any alcohol in it, just enough that Ritchie doesn't notice, and will slip a sleeping pill here and there. He can't do the pill often because Ritchie would catch on, or he'd build too much of a resistance to it that'd he'd overdose, or both.

Demon slayers and God slayers can't really die from overdoses or alcohol poisoning, that doesn't mean it does hurt or make them sick. Ritchie isn't really addicted to the alcohol, but he's using it so he and Rijin doesn't go on a rampage from losing his brother and a close friend.

The bartender let's Ritchie go on like this because he has knowledge on demon slayers and how this helps them.

Even if Ritchie let Rijin out to see if he could dance his brother, he'd still go on a rampage. This is because all the sorrow and betrayal he'd feel that his/their brother didn't come and was staying away. Even though Jupiter isn't in the right mind space to recognize fully what he is doing.

-Now a surprise, I'm writing the demons hating the twins-

Jupiter will try and free Rijin from Ritchie, but first he got to have fun and while doing so he's trying to drawl out the guild leaders. He's doing this because he needs to separate Ritchie from anyone else to heighten his chances to get his brother released from Ritchie.

Brandon is still drained and damaged from the battle. Jupiter is making sure he stays weak so he doesn't have a chance of winning control.

Rijin keeps whispering evil things in Ritchie's ear and mind, using Brandon's disappearance and Bjorn's death against him. He said things like it's his fault Bjorn died, if he was stronger this wouldn't have happened, Brandon dissapeared because he was disappointed to him, Brandon didn't want to be around him, the guil hates him, ect.

Drinking is the only think that helps keep Rijin settled... for the most part. Ritchie knows in his state he can't trust that'd he'd keep Rijin away, that's why he's drinking. Sure the way and type of way he's drinking is making him a jerk, but hed rather have that then have himself/Rijin kill this family.

Ritchie sent Mrs.P and the others into the book so they can train. He knows they'd make it back alive because he trust them and the have Mrs.P and Polly. Not only did he send them there to train, but also to help get a better handle on their god and demon. Ritchie and Brandon originally planned to go there with David and Lucas to help train them and to get stronger and it never hurts to get a better grip on their demons as well, but we see why that didn't happen.

Mario is hunting for his dragon and helping keep the guild going. Kit is doing paperwork and helping Inmo.
Tapio will sneak to a drunk Ritchie and comfort his either too drunk state or pasted out state with purrs, rubbing himself on him, and using his magic to make an area of effect that helps ease and comfort people.

Austin is too busy taking care of the dragon sanctuary and becoming guild leader to fully help Ritchie, he doesn't even know fully his state because he's sad (not as bad as Ritchie)about killing the rest of his family and Bro leave.

-August 20,2020-

-Edit August 30,2020-

The sneak peek of Brandon's skin.

I wonder how everyone got stronger?  What does the eye do, will Ritchie also get another power up?

Imagine if Ritchie kept getting glimpses of Brandon hurt and pasted out in that void, tears down his face. Ritchie trying to scream and banging on an imaginary barrier that refuses to brake. Never being able to get ot or help his brother.

Have some songs for them of course don't forget to change the lyrics some.

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