Sno3: Truly Immortal.

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It's been about a month since the select few managed to escape the Wildhunt. Rian was still hanging around Antonio, learning more about the world and how it was changed.

Rian: "This is so stupid."

Antonio: "Wh-what is stupid?"

Rian: "That you humans seem to take a step back in progress."

Antonio: "What do you mean by that? Was my theory of progress around the world true, but it was covered up?"

Rian: "You ask too many dumb questions. Now you stay here Ant, I'll be back later."

Antonio has long since stopped fighting  Rian on his name not being Ant.

Antonio: "No don't leave me- and he's already gone, wonderful... At least I can work on my book more."

Antonio went back to work in his journal, jutting down the new information Rian gave him and recognizing the old. Rian went off flying in the direction of a small village.


August was just finishing up the calculations form the sales that were made earlier that morning. Nesemi was getting done closing the shope after sending Emily home. August finally walked down stairs, cloak resting on his forearms.

August: "I-I'm done now."

August looked to the side a little bit as he talked. Despite being at the shop and with Nesemi for around a month he sill had trouble with eye contact.

Nesmi: "That's good... We can head back home if you like."

August: "That would be nic-um-nice."

Nesemi: "We then lead the way, we both know I'm bad at directions. Is something wrong?"

Nesemi bumped into August as he was sniffing the air.

Austin: "I-I think I smell something...Rian?!"

August was surprised that he smelt Rian and so close too. He still didn't fully know how to think about him. Sure Rian did help save him, but did he ask for any of this? Also, Whatever happened to Rian before they met up in the hunt changed him.

Nesemi: "It'll be ok. If we see him we'll figure something out."

Knock! Knock!

August and Nesemi both stared at the door for a moment.

Nesemi: "Do you want to hide or put your cloak on, or we can wait till they leave before heading out. We are closed after all."

August: "If it's Rian we better answer or he-he might brake the door down."

August went off to the corner, just encase it wasn't Rian at the door. After making sure August was hidden from sight they opened the door. Rian just so happens to be on the other side of the door.

Nesemi: "Sorry, but we are closed. If you need help you can see me tomorrow or if you need help I can try to point you into a direction."

Rian: "I'm looking for a friend...vampire."

Rian's nose scrunched up a bit and his voice dropped a little.

Nesemi: "Well that's not a nice way to say that, but who am I to judge. Good luck finding your friend."

Rian: "I know I will seeing as he's here. So can I came in and talk to him or are we going to have to talk outside?"

Rian had his arms crossed.

Nesemi was about to say something, but August beat it.

August: "Its fine Nesemi, if-if we can... if it's possible can we talk in here?"

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