demon slayer

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Warning- slight blood and violence

Sounds of wooden swords hitting eachother, people falling to the mat, and the breathing of the students can be hard though out the dojo.

Master: "Jane left foot back more*hits the leg*. Linson lower your stance and more with no hesitantson*wacks head and arms*. Samuel don't go easy on your opponent, if this was a demon  the-*loud ruckus and shouting*."

Ritchie: "Shut up Wade! You know nothing!"

Wade: "Make me undesirable! It's no wonder your parents didn't want you and your just a failure that nobody will love!"

The 2 boys clashed wooden swords fast and vigorously. Each exchanging some blows to the body's.

Master: "*sweeps their legs and pins them to the ground, while hitting their heads*That's enough boys. As punishment you both are staying behind and cleaning the dojo and joining Jim on showing the young ones around the forest for their school projects. I'm disappointed in you both."

                   —2 hours later —

The group was walking through the seemingly peaceful forest. The kids excited about everything.

Jim: "Now kids we will be goin-*snap* MOVE! AHH! Ritchie, Wade get the kids safe!"

Demons attacked Jim and blocked the kids path. Ritchie put the kids behind him and Wade, backs to a tree. Jim took some down ,but went down when one was left. The remaining demon went to attack them, but Ritchie and Wade pulled the kids to Jim who was unconscious.

Ritchie: " Stay behind Jim and keep him upright kids.*turns to Wade* We have to do something Wade,WADE do you hear me!"

Wade: "I can't, I'm sorry, I can't."

Wade tries to run away, the demon went to attack him. Ritchie grabs Jim's sword pushes Wade out of the way taking a deep scratch on his back.

Wade remains frozen on the ground as Ritchie fights the demon. Ritchie  holding his own, dodging and exchanging blows. His vision getting a little blurry and hard to move. He vaguely remembers the demon mention having poison, but he couldn't focus on that when he has lifes to protect.

The demon was surprise Ritchie was still fighting and moving when he should be dead by now. He noticed the wind curling unnaturally around him, eyes having a soft glow, and hair slightly lifted,while taking a stabe to the heart.

As Ritchie pulled the sword from the heart and put it in the head, more demons arrived. Ritchie could barely see, vision turning back. His ears ringing. He barely dodges an attack stumbling. The last thing he sees is his master killing the demon that went to attack him. The last word he weekly spoke was "dad?" He also Spat up blood as he passed out.

Ritchie awoke with a jump scanning around for danger, about get get up when a soft voice spoke "You're alright and safe so is the others, relax". They gently put a hand on his shoulder.

Ritchie: "Uhha. What*cough, cough* happened. (There was a little blood on his hand and corner of his mouth) I feel awful."

Master: "You were severely injured and poisoned, you're lucky to be alive. I would be scolding you for being reckless, it was my fault for not making sure no demon were around and not leaving when I first felt their presents " Its not you fa-*cough*" Don't talk and let me finish. As I was saying, you also don't get scolded because the kids told me in detail of what transpired there*softly smiles, proud written his face bot needing tone said*. I'm going to need to change your bandages, your going to eat, then sleep. No arguing."

Ritchie's master when slow when changing the bloody bandages on his check, all around his torso, both arms and legs. Master proped Ritchie against a pillow as he slowly fed him soup. Ritchie coughing(no longer blood, final got that out of his lungs)and yawning in between some bits.

When the bowl was empty Master set it down gently and slowly fixed Ritchie's head to be on the pillow, body laying straight. He waited a few minutes before leaving the room shutting the door behind him. Before the door closed he said "Rest well my son" leaving both of them with a smile on their faces, Ritchie barely awake to hear it.

*Yea it's finish, I enjoy writing this. Could it be more detail and smooth, yes. However, I'm happy with how it is. Was in the mode to make a sweet moment between Ritchie and his master. I was going to have Ritchie call him "old man" at a point, but I did because Ritchie was raised to call him master. They both on occasion sip up and call eachother "son" and "dad" because Ritchie was raised by him.*

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