2nd random

448 20 1

(I know this is coming out before the first one)


Riccaro is slowly disappearing. Slowly he'll become transparent. Then starting at his feet, they will fade to nothingness. If this happens completely their is no way for him to come back.

The death children (why are thy called that their parents don't do the actual death, they should be called the afterlife children, tho death children have a better ring to it.) can still feel Riccaro's presence inside Set.



Lucas is secretly more protective of Brandon then Brandon is to him.

When Rian and Austin were killing  tribes, they'd always hesitate on killing the young that were innocent(no matter how much they tried to say and act otherwise)  Rian said he's bad with kids and comforting people, but that's a lie. We've seen how he helped Auguest(?)



The twins would sing this to others sometimes when they would have doubts.  For some of the songs they'd flip a coin to see how songs what parts ex: Hall of Fame ( Ignore that it's  TikTok. I just like how this this version sound and it shows 2 different voices sing this part. You don't need to watch it fully.)

I feel like Ritchie would sing this, maybe Brandon inside his mind.

-August 20,2020-

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