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Ritchie can't handle it when Brandon gives him the silent treatment. This makes him panicky and he will try almost anything to get him to talk. However if Brandon explodes in a very negative way at him (ex-Why don't you ever shut up, you can't do that one simple thing and leave me alone while you're at it) he will hide away from everyone, until he feels like he was punished enough.

Brandon gets worried when his brother is quite. Usually when he's quiet something is wrong. If he does blow up at Ritchie, he will go one a witch hunt for him, all while being hard on himself.

Ritchie is more likely to forget to take care of himself or will take care of others first because he's used to having to put others before himself and helping them.

The twins got bullied alot. They almost always went after Brandon first because he had trouble speaking. Ritchie would get into a lot of fights for his brother and other kids.

This is why Brandon is naturally soft spoken in the series. When he was younger he would practice speaking until he could do it perfectly, he moved onto learning voice volumes after that.

The twins know sign language because their parents made the whole family learn on account of Brandon's messed up vocal cords. Ritchie would use his connection with Brandon to speak with him, but it help him make friends with a deaf girl.

David can be just as much as a mom like Lucas. He know how to make herbs and curtain medicines.

The guild will go out of their way to make sure David knows he's appreciated and love, no matter how much they argue and tease, when he's have a bad day because of his old family or I'd he's doubting his self worth. He's cocky because it helps him feel worth something.

Once the twins accidentally hurt the others too bad during one of their punishment games, cause the twins to shut down and avoid them. At first David and the others joked about how horrible they were and how it hurt their trust.

Ritchie and Brandon would leave gifts and sorry notes to the people they hurt, never staying in the room longer than necessary. The guild did everything in their power to show it was ok and they know the twins didn't mean to after about a week of this behavior. It took longer to get their confidence in the game up. They still leave gifts and sorry cards if they think the game was taken too far.

Mario has a fear of being kicked out and left on the streets. Sometimes Mario has trouble sleeping in bed alone, so he'd end up sleeping on the streets outside his house. The others would always bring him back inside, only leaving when they saw Mario sleeping easy.

The reason Ritchie and Brandon didn't give him money to rebuild his house was because they were already construction a better house that was more focused on what Mario was comfortable with and liked.(ex-A fake street for him to sleep in while being safe and guarded for thoese tough nights, if he didn't want to go to someone)

Bjorn loves telling tales of the past, but will have days when he misses his family(all his subjects). To help with this the guild would dress as vikings and let Bjorn act as their king.

-June 16,2020-


Based on Brandon saying Ritchie was his sugar daddy on his stream. Would this go on the discord for this series.

 Would this go on the discord for this series

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-June 25,2020

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