Stay in bed!

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It was a surprisingly quiet day in Ashborn. The sun has been in the sky, barely for an hour. Almost everyone just waking up. Why almost everyone? You see one person never went to sleep, Rian was the one that hadn't been to sleep. All last night he was tossing and turning, he felt like curling up to die in a corner. After an hour of trying he gave up and went to study some books.

Bri and Devin met Austin at the sacred tree half an hour ago. Rian looked at the time after snapping awake from his dozing, he stumbled to his door to met the others once he realized he was late. When he got outside he straightened himself out.

Austin: "What took you so long stupid!"

Bri: "What was the hold up Ryan"

Rian:*growling* "I'm not stupid, Stupid! And the name is RIAN, R-I-A-N! Unlike you I actually study."

Austin: "You want to go!"

Devin: *stops them*"Are you ok Rian? You took longer to reply and you look a little flushed."

Rian: *growl* "I'm fine! I was just playing with some of my fire."

Austin tries to search their soul connection, ony to find it's still block like the beginning of the week.

They all decided to take a walk through the forest that happens to be near Bri's and Devin's house. The others would occasionally glance back at Rian to make sure he was still there, he would growl and yell at them whenever they did.

Austin and Rian managed to get into a small fight. This concern them all because Rian seemed to struggle.

Devin: "Maybe we should take a break?"

Bri: "Are you sure you're ok?"

Austin: "Lets sit it down."

Rian:*heavy breathing and growling* "Shut up! I'm fine and if you guys don't want to continue going that's fine by me, I'm not going to wait!"

Rian managed to walk a couple feet before his vision started to turn black and he started to sway. When he started to sway Austin booked it to him, only managing to catch Rian before he hit the ground.

Bri: "Is he ok!?"

Devin: "What happened!?"

Austin: "He's burning up. Bri don't touch him because you will get burned."

Rian: * struggling and heavy breathing as he wimpers*

Bri: "Come on we can go to my house and set him on Devin's bed."

They all rushed to Bri's house. When they got Rian on the bed they put a freezing rage on his head. Rian's breathing settled a little bit, but he was still wimpering.

They all rotate after an hour of taking care of him. Which he made hard because he would latch on to said person. Currently they all were in the room.

Rian: "Mmm" *sits up and tries to get out of bed*

Austin: "Hey, hey,hey. Easy, you can't get up yet. You need to stay and rest." *let's him only sit up*

Bri: "I have some soup for you."

Rian: "Mmm. I, ish don't feeel well. I want... I want cu-cuddles."

Austin pushes Devin into Rian, who eminently latched on. Bri preceded to hand feed him.

They all spent the week taking care of him. When he was well enough to have a clear mind, they still didn't let him go no mattered how hard he struggled. They only let him go when he was 100% well.

(2 uploads for this book in a day, wow. Do I keep changing the order I'm going to post things? Yes.)

Headcanons and maybe one-shots Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora