Mho: Mistakes

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Kol was currently sat in the teacher's lounge getting scowled, yet again. It wasn't his fault that his so called teammate was no help what so ever. Oh to make matters worse not only had his mother have to leave work early to talk with the teachers, but to was only her and that penguin.

Momkey: "Kol I'm disappointed in you. I thought I told you not to hurt your classmates."

Kol: "Where in a school that trains "heros" it's unreasonable for them not to get hurt."

Kowalski: "He was on your team."

Kol: "He was just getting in our way. It's better if he just stayed down and not get in our way, which he could have endangered us."

Kowalski: "This was still an controlled test. There was no reason to react that way. I get you were frustrated, but you need to treat your teammates better."

All three of them kept going back and forth. Kol finally having enough was fast walking to the door.

Momkey: "Where do you think you're going?"

Kol: "Out."

Kowalski: "We are not done talking Mister."

Momkey was looking a little scary and had Kowalski next to her, both going for the door.

Momkey: "Kol stop."

Kol: "No! You're not my dad or father or anyone and and your not even my real mom."

Kowalski: "KOL!"

Momkey instantly deflated and had tears in her eyes. Kowalski was infront of her in an instant, trying his hardest to comfort his love. Kol on his way out slammed the door and headed to L.O.V.E's hangout, seeing as it's late.


Kol was there for half an hour, laying on the couch before Ana, Shino, and Flex. When they stared to talk he sat up and turned to see them.

Shino: "You're here early."

Kol: "So what?"

Ana went around the tables being shy and trying to hide being upset.

Flex: "Where are the others? Did they quit or something happened or are they an a mission."

Kol: "No they aren't, I just don't think they are coming today."

Ana: "Are you o-ok? You seem a little down."

Kol: "I'm fine. Are you ok?"

Ana: "Y-yea."

Shino: "Our you sure about that?"

Flex: "Come here and tell us what's wrong, both of you. I can probably help!"

Flex started to walk to Ana. This caused her and him to go round and round as she tried to hide. After a couple minutes  she tripped away from the table, showing her outfit, her ruined outfit.

Ana's dress was stained up, ripped and sooked. She looked down in shame and embarrassment. Kol and Shino made there way to her.

Kol: "What happened?"

Ana: "I-I was on my way here from going out and some people were being mean to this kid. So-so I intervened, but- I was scary, but they got aggressive with me."

Shino: "Did they hurt you besides your dress?"

Kol: "Where are they? Cause ima give them a peace of my mind."

Flex: "Yea!"

Ana: "No! It'its fine, Dad I mean Ronin handled it."

Flex: "Ronin's your dad!?"

Ana: "No, hes like a dad."

Shino: "We're off topic, maybe you should go home and change."

Ana's voice was determined and softed at the same time

Ana: "But, I-I wanted to come here."

Kol took off his jacked and hoodie before handing them to Ana.

Kol: "If you want to stay you can use the bathroom to dry off more and change. You can use my hoodie as a skirt if you step into it and tie the arms around you, and my jacket just zip it up."

Kol looked at Ana as to reassure her that's it's ok to take them. Shino was ready to tease the crap out of Kol. Ana shyly took them before her eyes landed on Kol's body, everyone was looking at him. Across his back and front was a reddish colored skin.

Flex: "What happened to your skin? Is it because of your quirk?"

Ana: "Fl-Flex!"

Shino: "You can't just ask like that."

Flex: "Oh, I can't? Then don't respond to what I said."

Kol: "It's fine, of you want to know it's from an accident when I was younger. Now Ana, how about you get changed?"

Ana nodded her head as she when to get changed. In the time it took her to get ready Kol set up the T.V. and Shino made food, Flex was intensely watching Shino when he stopped answering cooking questions.

Kol couldn't help but blush some at how cute Ana looked him his clothes. She had to scrunch up the sleeves a little in order to use her hands and the hoodie was working as a good skirt while her clothes dried. Shino bumped Kol's shoulder and quietly teased him.

They sent about 3 hours watching anime before getting ready to go back to their dorms. Ana offered to give his hoodie back the next day after she washed it, but Kol told her he'd retrieve it himself at a later date and she could wear it whenever until then. He put on and zipped his jacket before he lefted.


Kol sat on his bed staring at his phone as he worked up the will power to call his mom. A few minutes after yelling to her he really regretted it. Slowly he put the phone up to his face and listened to the long, agonizing rings.

Momkey: "K-kol?"

Momkey sounded like she just woke up.

Kol: "Hey, did I wake you up?"

Momkey: "It doesn't matter. Are you ok Sweetie?"

Kol: "I should be asking you that. I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it."

Momkey: "I know Sweetie, I know. How about we hang out this weekend, just you and me?"

Kol: "Sure, I love you mom."

Momkey: "I love you too. Now get to sleep young man."

Kol: "Ok, ok night."

Momkey: "Goodnight."

(990 words. Hope you all enjoyed.)

-March 26,2020-

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