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All slayers have a pack with eachother and so does the takeover mages.

Inmo was adopted by Bjorn.

Divinis Magia sees Kit as the little sister of the guild (David also sees her as a little chibe demon) and Inmo as the little brother.

Lucas is the local mom of the group. However the (all) guild leaders can be worse if someone is severely injured or sick.

They all have moments when the guilt of their past haunts them. On those days the whole guild gets together to watch movies, play games, and when its night whoever is having the bad day is put in the middle of a big cuddle pile of sleep. They even sometimes tickle attack the person.

Ritchie knows how to cook, however he chooses to cook bland food for Mario. On special occasion the cooks flavored food. The others think it's all bought and Ritchie doesn't correct them. He does this for Mario because its easier to spice up then dress down food.

Mario tends to prefer bland food due to being an earth dragon slayer. On the special occasion he enjoys the flavorful food.

Though Brandon and Ritchie are nobles *princes* back home their mom thought them the importance of self reliance and not to completely rely on maids. She would have them help the staff clean and on occasion cook. This didn't include the activities (sword fighting, royal technique,archery, princely things) the father had them doing. The father was strick on the twins and his punishments were hard (worse than doge the lightning bolt and Brandons) the mom was a saint and taught them to respect (pronouns, gender identity, religion, equality, and sexuality) everyone even their enemies. The twin know 6 different languages. 7 if you consider their twin speak.

Ritchie didn't ban sweets from the island because he hates them. When the protectors were there they constantly ate nothing but sweets. He ban them because of how much they ate and the little variation in their diet. He enjoys sweet, just not to the point where it's unhealthy.

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