SHA and fto

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David's sister is not 100% healthy and has a slower mental development. Has mother loves and trust him to do things hisself.

Ritchie's family doesn't really care for him. So we can do whatever he wants, al long as it doesn't get in the way of his family.


Ritchie lives alone/ foster families because his parents are villains.

Michael's family are very supportive to the point its annoying sometimes.

Brandon's  parents are divorced but co-parent wonderfully. Its scary how good they get along.

Ritchie and Brandon are able to handle extra temperatures. Ritchie is able to stand any amount or cold or snow, however he can only stand a certain level of heat.  The same goes with Brandon but replace the cold with heat.


If the twins were from this world

The reason they didn't grow up together was because the parents were afraid Ritchie would get hurt because they all had fire and heat related powers. So they gave him to an infertile couple with powers similar to his.

Just because your parents have one power doesn't mean you'll get the same or something similar. It can change based on a genetic mutation or it skipping generations.

Ritchie knew he had a twin because his parents told him. Brandon wasn't told because his parents, thought it would be better if he didn't know.

The twins parents also thought it would be best to keep them separated because in their religion when twins has completely different powers one will become evil. To prevent this they did everything in their power to keep them separated.

When they met one on one and talked they knew they were twins. They knew this from their dreams, Ritchie's parents, and auntie P. To be 100% sure they also took a DNA test. Ritchie and Brandon became inseparable after that.

The reason why they can't use their powers is because someone else's power is keeping them from using it.

They also weren't lying when they said their world has no magic because powers and magic are different.

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