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Kit and Inmo are the people you goto for anything you want done that is extra.

If you want simple go to the Mario.

Ritchie is obsessed with soft things and Brandon is obsessed with fluffy things. If you combined the two the twins will be in heaven.

They both love animals and has to stop themselves from treating Tapio and Lo'pho like regular animals.

If you need something fixed go to Ritchie but if it needs sewn go to Brandon.

The fastest way to get them to relax is to hold them and play with their hair, they might try to fight you at first.

Whenever the dragon slayers go 'feral' they seem to go protective and abduct the twins to the point of barely letting the others near them. This maybe because they can sense them being mistreated as kids and they sense their trauma.

This makes them precise them as hatchling, it doesn't help they also have a habit of neglecting their needs; they even do this on accident. The dragon slayers give off pheromones that helps put the twins (or any one they abduct) at ease, thus letting the dragon slayers take care of them easier.

They will also kidnapped anyone they see as close siblings(Kit and Tapio) that are not dragon slayers. Depending on the time of the year they might do the same to the ones they perceive as mates. Their is also a time if the year they get like this to their whole guild.

If it's not the guild time one, they will take the people they abduct to their nested/home cave. No matter what the time is twins keep getting kidnapped, even of they don't perceive them as mates.

(Yes because I make the twins suffer alot, I also make them the target of the cute i'ma take care of you even if I have to abduct you stuff.)

All the gods and demons know eachother.


I've seen a lot of ships but I'm surprised I never seen a Mario and Ritchie one. Like given some of their interactions you'd expect one.

Also would you guys be interested in a book like my ask and dares but with the twins being loopy or adorable 80% of the time? It's like the ask and dare but you can also put a scenario you'd like to see. This way I'd write them without it being a full blown oneshot book.

If you do say yes it might take awhile before I actually make it.

(June 4,2020)

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