I shouldn't be aloud to think

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I keep crossing roleplays Brandon and Ritchie did together or separate and mixing them with Fairytail orgians.

Sds- Ritchie pretended to sexually flirt with Brandon till they told others they were twin. Their mother was a doll and dad a fairy. Mother had custody of Richie and the father had custody of Brandon(still grew up close). Brandon had more fairy type,Ritchie more doll, the twins still has powers from both parents Something happened to block their powers. A year later sucked into the fto portal and lost chastifold(its in fto). If you want somehow/someone can unblock their powers and Brandon finds chastifold.

Demon slayer- you already know from past post.

100baby daycare- I thought it would be funny seeing how kid Ritchie was. When he was 10 he cured his vamperizum. He will go back to acting crazy like kid Michael if he eats a curtain food prepare a curtain way. If Michael has grape soda Ritchie will act a little bit crazier than normal and vice versa. Now if they both eat the food that makes them extremely crazy, everyone is doomed their is no stopping them. Now imagine the twins being turned into kids again and the chaose that would ensue. Brandon was the calm child that kept Ritchie in check when around. Their parents are still in the mafia and are divorced, still on good terms. I'ma say in 100bd Jakey is the twins cousin from the mother's side, this is how they knew the Jakey from their world. Michael is the cousin from the father.

Sno- reborn as humans after the wild hunt, but part of their soul( souls in Ritchie's case) was left in the void. They could get the missing part of the soul bace with a combo of magic, void, soul and one more magic. When the piece/pieces are recovered they get there old abilities back ( Ritchie shares the not being able to be killed with Brandon.). Their personalities will stay the same and they keep their magic. Now Ritchie would have blue ears not black. They look the same as the fto just with their old appendages. Brandon has his chain back and Ritchie blocked Pierre (still just a necklace, but put on a dead body than bam there he is)with him. They have memories of the others and their old dimension, however they aknowledge they're not the same people and they don't see themselves as their past life selfs ( this way you can still ship whoever you want with the twins.)

Immortals- They both were phoenixes and twins. The mortal coin was used one them(look at my last post). They grew up with their parents with Michael and Austin in the distance keeping watch of them. In fto something undoes the coin and they remember everything. They still have their slayer magic because that's fused with their souls. The only way to separate the magic from the soul is if the twins become all new phoenixes.

*Does these sound good? I did this in a rush, so sorry for any mistakes. If any of you want to make any of these in a book/one-shot let me know or tag me in it, I'd love to see it. Sorry again if I seem pushy or annoying.*

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