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(I thought of some headcanons however I forgot them when I first woke up, so have the only ones I remember)

Divinus Magia is going to beat the life out of Biblico because how he treats his sister (I don't fully remember her name). They all will go on a man hunt, Flurry and by extension La Carnival will join them.

Ok, I believe the Demon king is the other Pat's Ritchie because Pat was the only one able to sense and feel the other pat, like how Ritchie is the only one to feel that demonic presents and whispers.

When Ritchie was talking to Flurry and Yamitsu, he sounded very hostile and obsessive. I believe this is because he was hearing the whispering, going through alcohol withdrawal, and everything building up that caused him to react like that.

*Anyways tell me some of your favorite head cannons/ crossover ideads/ oneshot of mine, yes all of those if you can*

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