Fto: I'm sorry

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*spoiler if you haven't seen Kits or Mario's video*

Ritchie starred in horror at what he just done, even when he was drunk he wasn't trying to kill anyone. He was aiming to have the lightning hit right beside Kit, not kill Tapio. He started to hyperventilate as he looked at everyone's faces before he dissapeared, hearing Kit call him a coward.

When he stopped lightning blinking away he was in the bathroom of his brother and his house, nobody's been their in a year. He looked in the mirror and only saw a monster. In anger and anguish he punched his reflection. The mirror went everywhere and even in his hand.

Ritchie: "Why, why, WHY DID I HAVE TO DO THAT! I DIDN'T MEAN TOO! I'M SORRY, I'M SOO SORRY!! I was never like that when I drank, what was different this time? No, it's my fault I shouldn't blame the alcohol."

Rijin: "Are you sure~ Do you even know what type your were drinking, because it wasn't the usual stuff we drink~ It was delicious and to think you didn't notice the change in our drinks, then again you were too drunk too~ That cat got what he deserved,  he was stupid to jump without noticing it wouldn't actually hit that girl."

Ritchie: "SHUT UP! HE WAS NOT STUPID! It was still me that killed him, still my magic, just like back then."

Rijin: "Oh did I hit a nerve? Are you talking about when I was in control, because that was fun. I guess I'll leave you alone now."

Ritchie: "Not like you got a choice, I'm forcing you to stop."

Ritchie looked at his broken reflection and started to clean himself up. When he got done he watched over Tapio's burial.


Ritchie had the others bring all the paperwork to his old office. He was filling out the papers and putting out new quests on the boards. He was staying away from Kit and the others. Ritchie spent the whole day and night filling out all the work, neglecting his needs in favor of helping the guild get back on track. When he wasn't doing paperwork he was earning money.

It was around the seventh day when Ritchie went out to Tapio's grave. Ritchie's face was pale and it looked like he was getting ill, the month's of neglecting his needs finally started to catch up with him. Ritchie kneeled down at his grave.

Ritchie: "I know no amount of apologising will bring you back. I, I'm a failure of a leader and a person. Heck I'm pretty sure if I wasn't here none of this would have happened. I know I shouldn't talk like that, but it's hard. I'm sorry so very sorry for what I put you all through."

Ritchie fell asleep next to Tapio's grave, tears down his face. Unbeknownst to him a ghost of a certain green cat was watching over him. Tapio hugged his sleeping form, putting a soft sad smile on Ritchie's face.


Kit went to check on Tapio's grave like every morning. She was surprised and upset when she saw Ritchie sitting there.

Kit: "What are you doing here?"

Ritchie couldn't even look her in her eyes.

Ritchie: "I'm paying my respects. I can leave if you want."

Kit: "Why, why did you have to do it. Why did you have to try and kill me!?"

Ritchie looked away, this angered Kit more.

Kit: "You have nothing to say to me is that it?"

Mario and the others were passing by when this was happening. Mario went up to Kit and put a hand on her shoulder, only to have it pushed away. Ritchie stud up, still looking down.

Ritchie: "It doesn't matter what I have to say. What has happened, happened. I'm really sorry."

Kit: "Oh and that makes it better!? The only reason I stayed was because of my guild mates! I wish it was you that went missing, Brandon was a thousand times better! He wouldn't have let the guild fall like you did!"

Kit was getting so angry with Ritchie and his lack of response that she changed forms and attacked him. Her sword pierced though his stomach, he didn't even try to move.

Kit: "I, i,..i"

Ritchie put on a smile and held the sword there. He tried not to let the pain show.

Ritchie: "You-You're ok Kit. You didn't mean it. Lucas I would appre-ciate some healing."

Lucas: "I can't heal wounds that bad."

Ritchie: "It didn't hit anywhere vital. Kit I'm going to need you to use your fire to help with the wo-wound. Mario keep her calm and help her. David ge-get the infirmary set up with Inmo."

They all started to do as he said. Ritchie had Lucas start healing him as he slowly pulled the sword out of his body. Kit was using her fire to seal the wound as the sword left, shaking and holding onto Mario. Ritchie did his best not to scream in pain.

Ritchie: "See, was, wasn-n't that."

Mario: "HEY! Keep your eyes open Ritchie, RITCHIE!"

Ritchie went limp in their arms and was rushed to the infirmary.


It's been 2 hours since Ritchie passed out. The doctor said he'd need to be taken care of seeing as he developed a high fever and was malnourished. The doctor did reassure them this was because of Ritchie neglecting himself and not Kit stabbing him.

Everyone was slightly chatting waiting for Ritchie to wake up. Inmo was kicked out of the room for being an idiot. Ritchie tried to sit up when he first woke, only to fall in a coughing fit and be pushed down.

Mario: "Woah! Easy now, you can't get up yet."

Ritchie looked a little confused, but agreed with how bad he was feeling. Kit went up to him.

Kit: "I'm... I'm sorry."

Ritchie looked confused.

Ritchie: "Why, did, you did nothing?"

Kit: "I stabbed you."

Ritchie: "I deserved it."

Lucas: "Why is that?"

Ritchie: "I killed Tapio, should had've known some...someone would jump in way n get hit, instead of it hitting sides her. Didn't help...that...that I didn't know alcohol changed."

David: "Why does the alcohol changing mean?"

Ritchie: "Makes very aggressive if wrong kind to frineds, demon liky n no liky it. Not that it excuse I, I deserve wors... Zzz."

Ritchie fell asleep haven been too tired and in pain to continue. The others didn't know what to think anymore. They know Ritchie tended to only drink certain alcohols, but they changed it on him because how expensive it was getting.

They all spent the next week helping him get better and would pester him to take care of himself. Their relationships were still rocky, but was on the mend. Tapio's ghost watched over them, happy they were slowly getting better.

(1361 world. I feel so bad for Ritchie, Kit, and Mario. Tapio was like a brother to Kit and Mario, he was also another innocent life and a team mate that Ritchie had to bare of killing.)

-September 13,2020-

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