fto: Silent

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Brandon woke up before his brother and their alarm clock. He saw his brother sleeping slightly curled into a ball, face slightly flushed. Brandon turned the alarm clock off, so his brother can get more sleep. Brandon went to sleep early and kept waking up thoughtout the night. He didn't see his brother go to bed until 2 am.

Brandon made his way down stairs and started to clean around the house. When he saw it was 6 he made breakfast for his brother. Brandon made a plate filled with eggs, bacon, toast, sausage, and a drink of orange juice. He set the food on his brothers nightstand and gently shook Ritchie awake. Ritchie sired before opening his eyes, looking at his brother.

Ritchie:*groggy and rough voice* "Morning Brandon."

Brandon smiled at his brother.

Brandon: "Mo-or..ni-ng."

Both of the twins frowned at Brandon's voice. It looked like it was going to be one of those days. Ritchie also didn't look well, so Brandon felt his head. Ritchie had a slight fever.

Brandon: "Stay in bed while I get some medicine."

Ritchie: "I'm *cough* fine."

Brandon just gave his brother a glare before getting medicine and a cold cloth. He he returned Ritchie finished half his food.  Ritchie was making a face as he tried to finish his food. Brandon took the food away and made his brother take the medicine, before putting the cloth on his hed.

Brandon: "Don't force yourself to eat more than you can handle."

Ritchie: "Sorry. Came on we need to address our guild and then *cough* we have to meet the others. Don't give me that look. We promised we'd be there. I'll take it easy."

Brandon: "Fine, but your doing the majority of what I say. Now we still have an hour before we have to met with our guild. I'll wake you when we are almost there."

Ritchie nodded before falling back to sleep. Brandon spent the next hour getting everything ready for the guild. When the time was up Brandon put his brother on his back and walked into the guild hall, taking their spots to the bar. True to his word Brandon woke his brother up before the others got there.

Everyone slowly funneled into the room, taking their seats.

Ritchie: "Now as we all know, everyone has been slacking in their duties. This will *holds in a cough* not do. Tomorrow is also the start of our intensive training week. We will be heading to an isolated and deserted island. *clears throat* So pack multiple pairs of clothes, some will be getting destroyed."

Brandon: "Don't forget to tell them about the food."

Ritchie: "Ah, right thank you for reminding me brother.*cough*  We will barely bring any food because we will be hunting."

Kit: "I didn't hear Brandon say anything."

David: "They are probably doing their telepathic twin talk."

Inmo: "You can do that?!"

Both of the twins nodded.

Mario: "Are you both ok?"

Ritchie: "We're fi*clears throat* fine."

Brandon: "I'm fine, Ritchie sick."

Bjorn: "He should be in bed then."

Tapio: "Brandon didn't say anything though."

Kit: "Oh I believe this is sign language! What did he say and why are you using sign."

Mario: "He said Ritchie is sick and Brandon is using sign because sometimes he can't properly speak."

Inmo: "What do you mean by that?"

Bjorn: "He can't speak well and it's all broken up."

Tapio: "Why is that?"

Ritchie: "He was born with messed up vocal cords. This is why my *cough* brothers voice is softer than normal peoples."

Inmo and Kit: "Xan we hear?"

Mario: "You don't just ask someone that."

David: "Even I know that."

Brandon: "Its fi-fi..ne. Th-a..y a..e–a.r is  Cur..i-os."

Brandon held a kinda frustrated face at his attempt to speak.

Ritchie: "Brother we have*cough and yawned* to go now."

Brandon: "Bjorn you're incharged. Bye."


Just before Brandon was about to land in-front of the dragon cave, he woke Ritchie up again. Brandon didn't let go even when they got in the cave.

Sliver: "Hello, glad you both could make it."

Bri: "Welcome back."

Michael: "What took you both so long?"

Ritchie: "We had a meeting."

Ritchie tried not to cough and give away that he was sick. Brandon had other plains.

Brandon: "He sick."

Sliver: "What?"

Bri: "He said Ritchie is sick."

Michael: "Why aren't you resting?"

Ritchie: "We promised to be here."

Sliver: "Are you sick too? Is that why your using sign language?"

Ritchie: "No, this just happens sometimes."

As Bri was explaining to Sliver about why Brandon used sign language, Michael and him were tucking Ritchie into a bed in the cave.

Ritchie: "Traitor!"

Brandon: "Yea,yea, now get some more sleep. I can tell you want to."

Soon Ritchie fell asleep with Brandon playing with his hair. The others talked for a bit before they all fell asleep.

(I couldn't really think of what to do... so, this will have to do.)

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