Sno 3

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I know Ritchie's character shouldn't be fully seen as good, but the way he still cares for Zoo's character.

I love how he go defensive when the person was overwhelming August. ( I know Rian himself didn't fully help with not overcoming him, but I don't think he himself know how to fully help and that is way hes let August go and be by himself)

Can't wait to see more of Mitch's character too.


Rian was once a loving boy, but then his family died and the shaman person from the previous season manipulated him. This left him to he tougher but still fun and sweet at times.

When it comes to it Rian can't stand to see people who he believes are good and didn't deserve what has happened to them( ie Zoo's character) he tries to help in whatever way he can.

When in the wildhunt they made him go through a type of mental pain because in the end they wanted him to become the leader of the hunt, but they had to change his mindset, maybe even make him more susceptible to their manipulation because they want more hints. They picked him because he was part Phoenix.

(This was just random and I thought I'd just post this now with little to no edits)

-October 12,2021-

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