Blaine's new room

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Today is the day Blaine gets to have his new room which is basically the guest room. Ever since I have taking Blaine in from the hospital, he would be sleeping in my room with me in my bed, the thing is though he would always fall out of bed every night so I decided to get him a couple of baby guard rails for the bed and he also kept taking the duvet so it was time for Blaine's new room.

"Blaine shall we go out in a little while and get some stuff for your new room?" I ask as we were playing not long after lunch.

"Eah an' we 'ave wots of bwue an' 'ite" he says.

"Ok" I chuckle. It was finally time to go and get Blaine's things.

"Ok so first we would probably need a crib" I say to my dad as we walk into the infantilism store while he grabs a big trolley so we can fit all the stuff in.

Once we got all the furniture I wanted to see if Blaine wanted anything else.

"Blaine sweetie do you want anything else?" I ask him as he was sitting in his pushchair sucking away at his dummy.

"Urrrrr 'eddy" he lisps.

"Alright to the teddies" I say and walk over there. Blaine's eyes immediately landed on a stuffed monkey.

"Dat on' daddy! dat on'" he exclaims happily.

"The monkey one?" I asked.

"Eah" he says as I give it to him.

"Hold onto it tightly until we have to pay" I tell him.

"Osay" he lisps. Once we had finished paying we headed home so we could start Blaine's room. I set Blaine's port a crib up in the middle of the room with some toys, a bottle filled with juice and a dummy to keep him occupied and so I can keep an eye on him while dad sets up the furniture and me and Carole start the painting. ( Finn was at Rachel's ).

"Look at that Blaine" I tell him as I pick him up and show him his new room.

"Wow daddy fank ou gwan'a an gwandad" he says.

"Your welcome sweetie" Carole says and kisses Blaine's cheek.

"No problem kiddo" my dad says and high fives Blaine.

"Dad can you watch him while I have a shower please?" I ask him and hand Blaine over.

"Sure" he says and takes Blaine out of my hands and down the stairs.

Me and Carole take a quick shower (not together) and head back downstairs.

"Blaine what bed sheets do you want on tonight?" I ask him as I picked out a few bed sheets from the store.

"Innie der ooh pwease daddy" he asks and I also grab the bed base for inside his crib to stop him from hurting himself while sleeping.

"Ill be back in a minute" I tell them and go and set the rest of Blaine's bed up and added a few crib toys and a mobile that he can play and watch/listen to for awhile. Once I did that I went back downstairs and it was close to getting to Blaine's before dinner nap.

"Come on let's get you sorted for a nap" I tell him as I carry him to the kitchen.

"No nap!" he protests.

"Oh don't you want to sleep in your new room tonight sweetheart?" I ask him as I shake the bottle.

"Eah daddy!" he says getting all excited now.

"Lets go say night night to grandma and granddad" I tell him as he lies his head on my shoulder.

"Ni ni" Blaine says sleepily.

Infantilism BlaineWhere stories live. Discover now