Girls' Night In

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Tonight is the night, where it is just me and the girls as well as Blaine. We all get together and sleep at each others house and tonight is mine. The boys go to someone's house and sleep there and dad and Carole tend to go to a hotel, to have time together alone.

The boys didn't want Blaine to go with him (not in a mean way) because they will be at Artie's and Artie has a load of wires and of course Blaine would be playing with them and pulling plugs out that he shouldn't be and because Blaine didn't want to leave me.

"Ready for tonight sweetheart?" I ask Blaine as we were playing with his toys.

"Eah! Cedes come?" he asks.

"Yeah Cedes come"

"An 'inn?"

"And Quinn"

"An Britt?" He asks hopefully.

"Yeah, but Britt will be a big girl today ok?" I tell him. Santana and Brittany decided to do age play for Britt so Santana can help her become...let's just say a bit more smarter.

"Huh? Britt wike me?" he says really confused.

"Britt will be an adult sweetheart" I tell him.

"Huh?" he says still confused.

"Never mind sweetie, lets just play" I tell him.

Before we know it, my family was leaving and the girls were turning up.

"Hey white boy" Cedes says.

"Hey girl, loving the coat" I say.

"Thanks, now where's the cutie?" she asks.

"'Ere" he giggles waddling through unsteadily on his feet with a nappy and his shirt that he wore for dinner, which was dirty.

"Look at you big boy and where are your trousers?" she says and picks him up once he got to the door. Blaine has recently got more confident around the girls and will remember who is who.

"Ok Blaine you gonna name them?" I ask him.

"Ina" he says pointing to Tina.

"Inn" (Quinn, which is pregnant in this story so she hasn't had Beth yet and she isn't that far yet)




"Yeah good boy" I praise.

"Bwitt pway wif?" he asks.

"No thank you honey" she declines.

"Daddy" he cries.

"Kurt did you not explain to him?" San says.

"I did he just didn't understand" I tell her, soothing Blaine.


"Blaine i'll play with you sweetie, if you want"

"No! daddy" he says and clings on to me.

"Blaine come on, you going to show everyone that you can walk now?" I tell he and he perks up more now.

"Yeah" he says trying to get out of my hold.

"Alright alright" I chuckle as I put him down and he walks to the coffee table and get a load of 'wows' and 'awws'.

"Cedes! Cedes! pway!" he says and gets one of his trains and rolls it across Mercedes' legs and makes train noises.

"He's so cute!" Mercedes whispers as she coos.

"I know" I say. Blaine then left to go mess around with the doors, which is a new habit of him doing.

Infantilism BlaineOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora