Sebastian's in Hospital

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Sometimes Sebastian likes to go jogging in the mornings and evenings, he thinks about getting Blaine a jogger pushchair so he can take Blaine with him if Blaine wanted to go with his papa. Recently, Sebastian bought himself a bike and sometimes bikes down the road and back if he didn't feel up to jogging that morning or evening. Right now, Sebastian is cooking breakfast.

"Hey baby" I coo at Blaine as I picked him up and out of his crib.

"Did you have a good sleep?" I ask him as I took him to his changing table to change his nappy.

"Eah" he yawns.

"Good" I smile at him, I finish changing his nappy and take him downstairs.

"Morning papa" I greet Sebastian.

"Mornin' babe, morning Blaine" he kisses both of us. I walk to Blaine's highchair and clip him in it.

"Shall we go to the park later?" I ask Blaine.

"Eah daddy, pwease" Blaine cheers.

"Ok, we'll go after lunch though, ok" I tell him.

"Tay daddy" he smiles. Sebastian soon finishes breakfast and passes our plates to us.

"Thanks babe" I smile at him.

"Ank 'ou papa" Blaine says.

"You're very welcome, both of you" he says as he kisses our heads. He soon grabs his plate and sits down at the table with me.

"Daddy, duice pwease" Blaine asks.

"Alright baby" I say as I stand up and find one of his cups in the cupboard, I fill it with juice and water before screwing the lid on as I walk back to him.

"Ank 'ou daddy" he smiles at me before taking his drink.

"You're welcome sweetheart" I smile back at him before sitting back down again. A few minutes later, Sebastian and I were finished, Blaine was nearly done. We clear the kitchen up a bit while Blaine still finishes his breakfast.

"Done" he announces.

"Good boy, you ate it all" I praise him as I pass his bowl to Sebastian while I clean Blaine.

"No daddy" he whines, trying to push me away.

"I know baby, I know, I'm nearly done" I try and soothe as I quickly finish wiping him down. 

"There, all done" I tell him as I lift him out and place him on the floor. He then runs off into the living room, probably to play with his toys.

"Silly boy" Sebastian chuckles.

"I know"

"I'm just going to quickly run upstairs to see if Blaine has any bottles or anything upstairs, don't mind watching him do you?" I ask Sebastian.

"No, not a problem" he says. I run upstairs and find three or four bottles and muslin cloths and anything else about in his room. I head downstairs and sort them out.

"I'm just going to reply to any emails or something so I'll be in the living room" I tell Bas as he puts on an apron.

"Ok, I'm gonna cook some cookies or a cake, maybe even both" he chuckles.

"Alright, have fun" I kiss him before leaving the kitchen to go to the living room with my laptop. Blaine played for a little while in the living room before going either into the kitchen or the hallway. A few minutes later, I hear a gate clash and Blaine comes crying to me.

"What's the matter sweetheart?" I coo as I close my laptop and place it on the coffee table.

"What happened?" I cooed at him as I picked him up, he just held his hands and silently cried.

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