Episode 93

341 11 8

T//W Graphic Violence
Viewer Discretion is advised//


"Why now?"

He grinned back up till the corners of his ears.

"You waited 18 years... So why now?"

The man repeated himself, not that the other could really reply to his question.
He'd been gagged with a bar strap that he'd been biting over for a while through this torment...constrained to a chair with his wrists strapped to the arms of this metal chair and similarly his ankles strapped to the legs of the chair.

A sudden pull made his whole body jolt with tremors as he bit down hard onto the bar gag that constrained his mouth. All he could do was make painful grunting noises through this pain, he couldn't even scream out...nor did he want to... atleast not infront of this man...

"You're tough I'll give you that" Ivan Strauss smirked shaking the pliers in his hands before him. He let the jaws of the pliers loose letting the bloody thing caged within those jagged jaws drop to the ground
"Ah...that was the last nail... I didn't even realize... "

Ivan Strauss mumbled in a sulking shrug
" I want to save the next hand for tomorrow though... "

He didn't look much satisfied at all... Infact, he felt that the time for his enjoyment had moved too quickly and that he couldn't even savor it properly enough.

Nicolas Hughes was a tough man.

Even through this excruciating pain of his nails being pulled out by pliers.... He kept glaring at Ivan Strauss......as if those constraints weren't there binding him... he'd probably skin that man alive...

Even so...his physical body had a limit...his body shivered nonetheless, it was out of his control anyways...

Why won't his body listen to him?
He kept scolding himself inside for not being able to control this fear that his body portrayed without his permission.....

"Hey don't you think it's kinda funny..how things ended up in a circle of fate?" Ivan Strauss grinned a bit, he grasped over a handful of Nicolas's hair and pulled his face up making him cringe.

"It started from Joshua Hughes and now it'll end on Joshua Hughes"
Ivan mumbled casually though at the same time when he turned his head to look at Nicolas, a fearsome gaze made a shiver run down his spine and his grin only grew wider and his face flushed up in excitement.
"Don't tell me...!!!!"

"THIS IS HILARIOUS!!!" Ivan Strauss broke into immense laughter. He'd let go of Nicolas's hair and simply held his stomach to carry on laughing frantically.

It was the gaze...

The gaze that Nicolas had in his eyes...

That very gaze, he knew well.........

"No matter how much I torture you physically...it wouldn't quench my thirst until you express your suffering  with the loudest of your screams..."

Ivan Strauss mumbled wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes after laughing frantically.

Nicolas was pretty much confused at this sudden change of demeanor but at this point he'd worked for Ivan Strauss long enough to get used to his tantrums.

Ivan Strauss was a clever man, he could easily read the mood within a room, it would be surprising if he wasn't able to catch onto the weaknesses of other people especially if they looked that obvious....

"I'm gonna torture you, in a way that you won't be able to hold back your voice anymore...till you beg me to kill you haha!!!"
Ivan Strauss went on chuckling to which Nicolas gave him a unimpressed look as if hinting that whatever torture he'd bring upon him would be a futile effort because even if he'd died through this....it didn't matter....not that he'd wanted to die without his revenge...but he wasn't particularly afraid of it...

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