Episode 29

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"Today's our day, today we will have our revenge!! HAHAHAHAHA (-cough-) Ha (-cough-) ha ha -(cough)"

"Take it easy bro, why do you always end up choking on your own laughter?"

"Forget that, We should focus on our revenge, today is the day we  finally shame Himari Aoi! She will regret having insulted us in public train for a mere omega boy"

"But bro, attacking when she's only returned from the hospital and rejoined college is a bit cowardly"

"You wanna attack her head on? fine you do that, I'll have my revenge today"

"Okay okay, don't be mad bro, you know I wouldn't leave you alone at this"

"Good boy, now let's wait till we meet her"

(For those who don't remember them, consult chapter 1, they are the train molesters)


"Why did I do that?" Zhuang rubbed his temples and lighted up a cigarette but before he could bring it to his lips Alex reached his hand and snatched it, putting it off on his hand "Oye! you burned your hand"

"Didn't I tell you, no smoking?" Alex stretched his limbs and sat up on the bed next to Zhuang with great difficulty "Hurts like hell" Alex complained holding his back "You suck"

"You didn't complain last night though" Zhuang said sarcastically.

"Did your ex husband leave you for that sarcasm or was it because you suck at it?" Alex shot back with sarcasm "b*stard you didn't even refrain from calling out his name while doing it with me" Alex flinched and frowned "and you even ripped me, you beast" Alex scraped the dried blood from his inner thighs.

"You never told me to stop, it wasn't as if this was done without your consent" Zhuang frowned.

"Don't you dare leave without helping me clean up this mess" Alex warned "and don't worry, this was a one night thing, I don't expect anything else from you"

"One night huh..you do that often don't you?" Zhuang got up and went to the other side of bed helping Alex up.

"Hm?  No, normally I prefer to top, that's my first time in many years having it the other way around...on top of it, you didn't even bother preparing first, you savage" Alex whined.

"Like I said, you should have said that yesterday, there's no point saying it today..now let's get you to the bath, I'll go upstairs and cook something for breakfast" Zhuang said.

"I want omelet" Alex said.

"Okay okay omelet, I'll make that" Zhuang replied.

"And coffee, with sugar" Alex said.

"Okay" Zhuang replied.

"Do my laundry too" Alex said.

"Alright" Zhuang helped Alex in the bathtub.

"Say woof" Alex said

"Wo..wait wtf I'll smack you" Zhuang frowned.



"So it is you again didn't we tell you to keep your son away from our daughter?" Mrs Himari nagged.

"You didn't accept our money back then, we told you to leave the city with your son but you didn't listen, look what you've done to our daughter" Mr. Himari frowned as well totally cornering Akio.

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