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Excuse any mistakes


After all that yesterday I went up to hospital to Tyanna, she was my bestfriend and maybe she could help me make sense of the situation.

"Heey Ba— oh my lord pda." I covered my eyes as Jada got off her laughing.

"Hello momma Karen." Jada came over getting ready to kiss me on the cheek.

"Uh uh, don't put your lips on me and you over there kissing her like that."

"Momma, I missed you." Tyanna held her hands wide open for me.

"I missed you too baby."

"You wanna see the ultra sound, it's a girl."

"Of course, my little gambaby." I looked at the ultrasound and looked back over at Tyanna. She was the happiest ever, and I was happy for her.

"Are you two ready?"

"Yes ma'am, we just stuck at the names."

"I wanna name her after you and auntie Doe Doe."

"I don't mind the name being after y'all, long as doesn't give it a ghetto. I was thinking something maybe as kalani, Taylin, Jaida."

"We already have one Jada."


"Tyanna you really want to name it after us?"

" I do, y'all have been my inspiration for all I've done; especially you. I love you momma."

No Karen you cannot tear up on these kids, suck it up Quin Quin. Pull your mess together now, come on. You're Quintella Alice Clark, don't be out here turning into a baby.

"I'm honored, really. So as in our names how you two were gonna do."

"Weeeelll momma let me tell you what Jada said."

"No no don't do that." They started laughing

"What you had to say Jada?"

"Yea let Quintella come out to play."

"No please not her, she almost killed me."

"No I did not, you'd be dead if i did."

"That's the truth."

"Momma she said name her Karen Dorinda." We busted out laughing.

"Ouuu that's ugly."

"How bout since they call auntie doe doe the rose of gospel; Valencia Rose?"

"Uh uh."

"Oh lemme see, Valencia Grace?"

"Hmm. It's ok."

"How about y'all take the first letter in my name and Dorinda and come up with something."

"Ok we could take Kalani, like Jada thought of and still either Grace or Danielle."

"Yea, see now y'all got it together."

"We try." Jada phone started ringing and she answered

"Baby, Momma Karen, I gotta to go Michael wants to talk to me about something. I'll see you later and if I don't come back tonight I'll see y'all tomorrow."

"Ok, I love you baby."

"Mhh, I love you too princess." She came over to kiss Tyanna and then her stomach.

"I love you too momma Karen."

"I love too Jada, be safe and behave."

"I will, I promise." After she left I got in bed with Tyanna.

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