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"So is it Joe or job cause I'm hearing two different people?" I asked hearing her aunts practice downstairs while we were upstairs. I laid on her as she played in my hair. Crazy how we went from fighting to straight chilling.

"It's job."

"Ok and he picked what up exactly? Then what did he say cause she breaking them I's all the way down, but it sounds good all your aunts can sing." She shook her head holding my head up to look at her.

"He said I'm gonna wait til my change come."

"How he get to that I thought Issiah said-."

"-Oh lord you most definitely don't go to church. Issiah said they that wait upon the lord he shall renew their strength, they say mount up on wings like an eagle, they shall walk and not be weary they shall run and not faint."

"Oh ok."

"And yes my all my aunts can sing."

"Can you?"

"Uh Uh."

"You're lying."

"Ok human lie detector."

"Tyanna we've sat and talked all about me, well what about you?"

"What about me?"

"I wanna know and no I'm not going use it against. I really wanna get to know you. Is that alright with you?"

"I guess." She started telling me her story and it honestly made me feel like pure crap for how I've treated her. I never knew all that she's been through and this whole time I thought my life was completely fucked up, in honesty I didn't know who's on was worser but I do know that it could only get better from here. She's so strong I probably would've broke a long time ago.

I turned over to face her, looking directly in her eyes. I wiped a stray tear that fell from them, for some reason Tyanna eyes were shaped like a tiger. I mean they had a reason she was fierce like one and surely strong.

She grabbed my hand as we stared at each other. Searching in each other's eyes for what I don't know. I moved in a little closer trying to see where we were finna go with this. She didn't move away only inches closer to me. I closed my eyes as I felt her lips kiss my cheek.

Talking bout disappointment, that was highest level in my book. My feelings and spirit hurt, that ain't make no sense or maybe I had got my hopes to high being that we were that close.

"What's wrong?"


"You thought i was gone kiss you ain't it?"

"Can we just listen to your aunts sing, you have no idea how disrespectful that was."

"Oh get over it."

"No, I won't."

"Then leave."

"I'm don't wanna do that either."

"So what you wanna do then."


"You in my turf my rules."

"No rules."

"Fine." I pinned her down as she flips us over and maneuvered into a head lock.

"Ahh Tyanna stop." She had my arm hurting as she held my arm behind my back.

"Say uncle."

"Never, ahh Tyanna." Normally I had a high pain tolerance but this right here ian gone make it.

"Say it Jada, say uncle."

"Ok ok uncle man dang." She let go and my arm felt completely limp. Time she turned her back on me and pushed on the bed getting on top of her with my full weight.

"Jada get off me."

"Oh no, you almost broke my damn arm Ian going nowhere."

"But you're heavy." I felt her trying to push me off of her but I wasn't budging.


"Jada get up before I pinch your nipple."

"I might like that shit."

"You really are something else."

"I get that a lot." I looked back at her as she slid from under me.

"You don't look as heavy as you really are."

"You trynna call me fat?"

"Pretty much."

"Just rude."

"Oh I bet, you ain seen nothing yet if you think this is rude."

"Oh boy." Here we were staring at each other again. She made a face causing me to break my stare at her.


"Whatever, what you wanna do?"

"I wanna eat?"

"Eat what exactly?" I looked at her trynna see was she really that type.

"Mhh you'll see." She crossed over me going down to the kitchen with her aunts. I went with her just because.

"What y'all two doing up there?"

"Nothing just goofing round and talking."

"It's amazing how you become friends with your bully."

"Yea, I feel bad that I bullied her all these years. You never know a persons story until you get to know them."

"Yea now you know." She bent down getting something out the refrigerator my eyes was glued on to her ass.

"I hope you like what you're looking at."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't worry bout it, I'm use to it."

"Tyanna come practice."

"Aunt Doe, can I practice tomorrow. I got two weeks to practice."

"And we gone start today, come on." She grabbed both our arms pulling us in the living room.

"You sing Jada?"

"Not at all, I'll just sit and listen."

"Oh no if I gotta sing, you gotta sing."

"How ima song what I don't know."

"That's your only exception." She folded her arms as she started singing. I just sat back and listened, looking at her in admiration.

This little like thing might become more of a crush....

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