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Last one here we go🥺
Excuse any mistakes


It's time Tyanna. Our work is done here. You have to tell them.

I know I do and I was gonna do it today, but I don't wanna leave, I conceived a child. I'm married. I don't want to go.

Tyanna you have to, it's draining you to keep me in within you. It could kill you Tyanna.

Can't we just separate. Mama needs me still and I don't want to leave her or the family. It's ok if you're not with me I can still protect her, protect them.

We could try

Can we, please. I'm needed here more than you may know

I'll have a talk with the master and we'll see what we can do.

Thank you.

I was just waking still in Jada arms as our clothes were on the floor from last night. I guess mama heard the commotion and stayed upstairs. I went to my room seeing if I still had some clothes there. I grabbed my items and went into the bathroom to wash off.

How was I going to explain to them that I'm not demonic but instead I have a angel within me. It only came when needed but now that side has been seen by mama and now they must know. I just really hope I don't have to leave, I don't want too at all.

Before I knew it was I was in the corner cryin the shower, I just hated the fact I would have to leave mama, my child, my aunts, my dad, my wife. I just can't they need me still rather I'm an angel or not.

"Tyanna?" I guess my mama heard me and came in. She didn't even think twice she grabbed the towel wrapping it around and getting in with me.

"It's ok baby, what we told you yesterday we got you." She turned the water off and just held me as I cried.

"I love you baby, no matter who you are. You're Tyanna Amara Paige, your my baby, my daughter, my other forever friend. You're my first heartstring, you taught me how to love and how it feels to be love. Baby I would never turn away from you no matter what the circumstances are. You and me are forever even after this life you hear me."

"Yes ma'am."

"Now c'mon stop this crying and give mama a kiss." She wiped my eyes as I kissed her cheek.

"That's my girl, let's get out of here."

"But ma you're soaked."

"Don't worry bout me, I'll be fine. Plus the car you took have some clothes in the trunk."

"Oh ok and mama?"


"Can you call all the sisters back over I have something I want to share with you all."

"I- ok baby I can do that."

"Thank you."


"Yes mama?"

"just don't leave me. I need you here just like you need me." I wish I could promise her that I wouldn't but I couldn't cause at this point I honestly don't know whats gonna happen to me.

"Tyanna promise me that ok?" Now she was the one crying.

"Mama I—."

"Tap, please."

"I- I promise."

"Thank you." It hurt me so bad to make a promise I couldn't keep especially to the person that meant everything to me.

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