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Excuse any mistakes


"D- D- Dorinda say what nie?"

"You haven't stuttered in year don't get caught up."

"Dorinda, I'm sorry."

"What you sorry for?"

"Because you're mad with me and is about to fuss."

"Wait, Karen I was playing I was gonna say Nikki is pregnant— YOURE PREGNANT!"

Her eyes got big like fifty cents

"Oh, I'm playing. Just trynna see what was gone happen ya know."


"Karen who is— oh hey cole."

"Hey drew, y'all ain't being grown tonight?"

"No we we're about to go to sleep, but here we are."

"Well y'all go on to sleep, ima sleep in the guest room Karen got down here."


"Alrigh, night cole."

"GoodNight y'all."

Karen think I'm slow, she told on herself and I'm most definitely gonna address it to her in the morning.


I stayed up the rest of the night mainly talking to the baby. Bishop was snoring like a freight train all in my ear, pulling me closer to him like I really wanted to hear that.

"Baby, come on sleep."

"It's morning now."

"I don't care Karen get some sleep."


"No don't start that mess get some damn sleep." He squeezed my thigh, not knowing that he was turning me on.

"Ok daddy, I'll go to sleep."

"Good girl." This man could have twenty babies in me at this moment I wouldn't even care.

I slept for about 4 hours until I sensed something behind me. Rolling over who do I see staring at me none other than my sister the knee baby and that's Dorinda Clark Cole.

"Well GoodMorning Dorinda."

"GoodMorning Drew went for breakfast and told me I could take his spot so here I am."

"That I can see, what you want." I sat up trying to hide my bump a little bit.

"Nothing I just wanted to lay with you, that's all."

"Oh ok, well I'm about to wash so you can move right on up out of here."

"I will after I tell you this story, so I was in Dillon Sc for a comic conference and apparently they sprayed some type of fertilizer over the field near by Karen when I tell how bad it smelled, like a dead body rotting away, feet and somebody who ain't washed in ages."

I got so sick just from her talking I was about to puke right here. I got up shooting to the bathroom.

"Karen are you ok love?"

"Yea Dorinda I'm ok, just go downstairs I'll be with you in a minute."


"Dorinda wait, there's something I need to tell you. I don't like lying nor keeping secrets, but you have to keep this one until I'm ready."

"What I'm keeping Karebear."

"Give me you hand."

"Uh uh ion roll like that nie."

Secrets of a preachers daughterWhere stories live. Discover now