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Hope this doesn't confuse anyone Excuse any mistakes


"Houston we have a problem!" Niecy came in all loud and ghetto

"Niecy shut up." I had just put Tyanna in my bed whatever it was that took over her had drained her completely my poor baby was pale a little bit.

"What's up with the meeting Karen."

"Baby what happened, you're hurt." Drew came to me leading me to a chair

"She hurt my sister!" Dorinda got up ready to come to my rescue, when I didn't need her anymore.

"Doe, sit down everything is all taken care of."

"Oh cause I was finna go lay hands on her bout my bestfriend. The hands surely won't holy."

"Ok we get it."

"Mama what's wrong with Tap, she looks sick."

"During today another side of tap came out of her. It wasn't her anymore, it was somebody else."

"Baby what you mean, like the devil or something."

"No it wasn't the devil, it was protecting tap. It stated to have been sidings with the lord."

"It could be a trick, that devil a sneaky little thing." Jacky stated but I just wouldn't believe it. The Tyanna praised god and her anointing was in no way shape of form could the devil stand.

"Well what do we do."

"Try an exorcism or something."

"I don't know."

"We can try, it won't hurt her I promise." We went upstairs and she was sitting up.

"I was expecting you."

"What in the holy he—."


"I promise I'm not here to hurt anyone, I'm just healing her. She thinks very fondly of you all, especially you Karen. She loves you the most and thinks the world of you. She thinks your heart is of gold and that you're overall perfect. Bishop, she thinks you're the greatest man alive, her Superman she loves you and Karen unconditionally. As for Ms. Dorinda Grace, you're more than an aunt to her, you're her best friend. She thanks you for listening to her problems and loving her no matter what. Elbernita, you're her muse, she admires you for your words of comfort and loves you more than you know. Jacky, no filter. You make her laugh on days she wants to cry. You say the things she wants to but is afraid to say and ask the questions that she wants to know the answers to. Niecy, she doesn't really remember you but she loves you already. Karen she thanks you for loving her taking care of her teaching her the right and stirring her away from the wrong. We will do everything in our power to protect you. Lastly Jada, come here we're not gonna hurt you." You could hear Tyanna voice breaking through.

" Jada please don't be scared, none of you. I don't need an exorcism. It's me Tyanna, Tap; can't you all see." We wanted to believe her we was just scared.

"Mama." She looked at me with pleading eyes as tears started to fall.  It hurt me deep in my heart because not only was I afraid I sorta was leaning on what Jacky said what if she is demonic. Where would go from here with her. That's my baby, I love her so much. I wouldn't know what to do if that is the case.

"I've hid this side for so long and I should've told you but I didn't want you to be scared of me. I'm not a demon, far from it and mama you know it. Please please don't be scared of me. I just I lost all control when mama fell into the glass and got cut, I was suppose to protect her always, protect you all, but mainly her for it is my purpose. This isn't the first time the side has been shown. The day the fight between Jada and I at school that wasn't me. But for it was protecting me, I didn't have the guts to protect myself. Dad can't you see, can't any of you see!"

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