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Excuse any mistakes


"Bishop I need your help." Jada came in like she was just normal guest or member to the church after two months of Tyanna being locked up. Karen was at Tyanna's hearing. To be honest this whole situation is a mess. Jada should've stepped up and protected her daughter but I forgot she won't raised properly. Should've known that girl won't no good when Karen introduced me to her. Jada need some growing up to do, the girl grown with age just not grown with mindset.

"What you need Jada is the lords help cause once Karen get done with you that'll be the only person you'll be answering too."

"Bishop I do love Kalani with all my heart, I love Tyanna as well. I just don't use my brain."

"You never did." I mumbled to myself.

"Pops what am I going to do?"

"Listen Jada you had a good beautiful woman that at the drop of a dime did everything to please you. To love you and show you different. To take your pain and make it her own. What the heck is wrong with you. You think I would mess up with Karen hell no. Karen's my life, the same way you claimed Tyanna as yours but I can most definitely see our values on women are different and it shouldn't be because you're a woman ya self. Yet you expected Tyanna to keep hold of you even when you did wrong by her. Man you're crazy, I just don't understand you Jada for real on top of that you got her daughter feeling less to you because how you've been acting. Jada you need to get your mess together and quick."

"I want to but I don't even know where to start honestly."

"Start with praye-."

"Daddy, I've talk to the lawy- just the person I wanted to see. What did I tell you if I couldn't get Tyanna out then you'd have what?" Karen came in with her eyes fixed on me then switched to jada, if looks could kill lord knows Jada would be 35 ft under sitting with satan himself.

"Hell to pay."

Karen put all her stuff down and politely snatched the poor girl up out the chair basically body slamming her on the ground. What type of wwe, man that just put a whole new fear in my heart for her.


"No drew I'm so tired of her, she's hurt my baby once and for all. She could've solved the problem herself but instead she runs from them like always. My grand baby think you don't love her cause you didn't try to stop that stank ass hoe you was messing with." She was really beating on people children like it didn't make no sense.

Jada looked as scared as I was, though she got a little bold, bold enough to hit Karen back and oh lord my wife lost it.

"Oh you can hit me but can't hit that whore who hit my grandchild."

"Karen the church- my office!" Karen was out here destroying my office but using Jada to do it.

"You stupid ass child! I should've never let you in my home when tap told me not to." I mean these two were at it. Karen knocked over the whole bookshelf trynna get at this child.

"Mama it wo-." here comes the tornado herself Tyanna she walked in right when jada threw another punch back at Karen connecting to her face.

"Oh lord the girl done signed her own death certificate." I said shaking my head.

"Father god I come to you in this moment to seek help, not for me but for Jada. For she not know of what she just done."

"Oh this heffa crazy, move mama." Tyanna pushed Karen out the way and just attacked Jada. Lord the girl gone be bout dead before she walk out of here.

"You done lost your mind up here!" Let's just say my office got to be totally redone. I'm not gonna lie and say watching Karen in her other form different from the First Lady hat is so fine. I might give her a little something something if y'all know what I mean.

"Tyanna chill babygirl!" We had to go pull her off Jada the girl was beat up so bad I thought she looked bad when Karen was whooping her ass but Tyanna put something on her lord.

"Tap- please I love you."

"You don't know what love is."

"Tyanna enough don't kill her, you just got out."

"All this time I've had to hold back on her well not today. You've done nothing but hurt me Jada! How the hell can you love me when all you break me down. You've watched me, my heart break in front of you and you just didn't fucking care."

She bashed her head over and over into the floor.

"Tyanna please! Karen we have to stop her."

"Ahh let the girl have her way."

"Tap baby, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I took you for granted-."

"Save it, sorry means nothing to me now just like you're nothing to me."

This girl had to be stopped she don't broke Jada tooth off the corner of my desk.

"AHHH, Tyanna I'll do whatever please. With the little love you have left for me in your heart... please I'm sorry."

One more blow and this girl was gonna be out of here and Tyanna would be back in jail.

"Karen stop her and I mean now. I'm not playing with you, if you let her do this that shows me how cold your heart is. I didn't marry a cold hearted woman at least I thought."

"Tyanna let her go."

"But mama you don't understand."

"I do baby, just please let her go. It's not worth it, think of Kalani, Kierra. Tyanna please."

"But she's hurt me. Hurt my child. Messed up my metal state mama.... I'm not even stable anymore, I can't even love myself anymore let lone love anyone else. My peace I don't have it, mama I have nothing.."

"Baby you do, you have more than you think. Please Tyanna."


"Let her go, we got you." I grabbed her hands slowly pulling them from Jada.

"There you go baby, come to mama. Let it out."

"Jada... Jada?" She sat in the corner breaking down.

"Come on Tyanna let me take you home."

"Jada come on, I'll take you home and help you get cleaned up. Lords knows my office."

She got up weakly as tap completely collapsed. Her body was hot, she'd drained herself as she once did before. I never knew how she could keep anger bottled up.

"I'll take her home and you handle Jada."

"I'm sorry Tyanna, I'm sorry. I wish I could turn back the hands of time and treat you the way I knew you deserve. I'm still I love with you and I'll forever be in love with you. I LOVE YOU TYANNA!... I love you..."

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