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Excuse any mistakes 🥰


"Dorinda you're getting outta hand with this really."

"Me trying to protect you is getting out of hand, really?"

"Aunt Doe it's not her fault. Momma called me and asked what to do, we gave her advice and she went with what we told her."

"Yea aunt Doe Doe. If we wouldn't have said anything she wouldn't have done nothing."

"Babies listen, thank you but I still would have did it anyways. I couldn't fight back no more and neither could he. From what I heard Dorinda you and Greg was knocking boots before 'I Do' so what's the problem. Dorinda I love you with my whole heart, you're my sister, my bestfriend, my protector and I'm yours. Just understand I'm grown Doe Doe, I can make my own decisions. If I decide to get to tip top and slide down then that's just that. I'm human, my body is going to react, his body gonna react, and that's just that. We were protected, caps on and all. Dorinda it's time for you to let me go and stop looking at me as if I'm a fragile piece of glass, I don't know what you told him but that's exactly how he treated me as if I would break. I'm not fragile, far from it, I'm not a little girl no more; might be the baby of the family but not a little girl. This is the man I'm going to marry, not no strange or one night stand. I love him Dorinda and if I choose to do what I just did with no regret with that's just my business."


"Dorinda, I know but it's ok. I'm ok, I love him."

"And I love her, Dorinda I'd never do anything against Karen's will. It was equal and good." He kissed her check sitting her on his lap.

"Dorinda don't act like you won't trying to get some when I was calling Greg."

"Now really Grace?"

"Hey Hey, this ain't about me right now."

"Dorinda, you don't have to body guard me any more, ima a big girl now." Drew whispered something in her ear causing her to bite her lip and rubbed her thigh.

"Lust demon all in here." Jada and Tyanna all boo'd up in the corner, Greg texting I'm just over it.

Hubby 💍: baby stop interrupting them grown folks. He getting it in just like I was doing before you decided to leave. You could've just dropped them off and came back home.

I'm coming back baby.

Hubby 💍: now, as in get your keys tell them to have a nice morning and bring your fine self home. I got some more work to put in before we start our actual work.

I'm coming I'm coming.

"Uh huh!" Tyanna grabbed my phone going over to Karen.

"Uncle Greg said he had some work to put in, y'all see that."

"We do, bye bye Dorinda."

"Wait a minute nie." They handed me my stuff forcing me out the door.

"Have a nice one Dorinda."

"But Karen—."

"Bye Dorinda." They pushed me out the door , my baby growing up and it guess it was time for me to let her go. I don't even know why I'm having a hard time, I just really don't want her hurt that's all.

"Wait Karen?" I peeped my head back in before everyone got comfortable.

"Yes Grace?" I walked back in as a tear fell from my face.

"Dorinda." She got up quickly and hugged me

"I love you so much Karen."

"I love you too Rose, really I do. Thank you for watching over me, protecting me. Don't ever stop and I'll never stop protecting you. Remember you're best friend, the one that wouldn't never let me preach always the congregation." I laughed a little as she wiped my face from the falling tears.

"I got you, always."

"And I got you."


We finally finished around 10 that morning and Chile when I tell you it was good. Rearrange my insides all the way and I loved every minute of it. Drew went to his house to gather some clothes he was taking us all out to dinner tonight to celebrate each of our engagements. I had Tyanna in here practicing holy thou art holy.

"Though the darkness hideth Thee,
Sinful man, Thy glory not see; But holy, Thou art holy,There is none like Thee,There is none like Thee. Cherubims and Seraphims,They bow down and worship Him. Great Thy royal diadem,Ever more shall be,Ever more shall be. Holy Thou art holy,There is none beside Thee. Perfect is Thy majesty,Love and purity,Love and purity." I stood in awe as Jada was in tears. I was shocked that she did my runs and perfectly.

"So now you wanna that one or praying spirit?"

"Can we do the safest place?"

"Yea baby, we can."

"Safest place?"

"Let's give her a little taste."

"The safest place, In the whole wide world, Is in the will of God."

"Though trials be great, And the way seems hard, It's in the will of God"

"It may be on a mountain peak, Or in the valley low"

"But wherever"



"Wherever it may be"

"If god says gooooo."


"Go, Go, Go, Go, Gooooooo."

"Goooooo." Tap voice fit perfectly under mine, the range, the power. I loved her voice, she always thought it was too deep but it's perfect just perfect.

"I- wow. You two sounded great together, yea you two need to sing that song. Yes ma'am please."


"Momma what aunt doe singing?"

"Probably anything she can come up with."

"Sounds about right, though I really want her to sing either my redeemer or so many times, but really redeemer. It would be nice to see y'all do so much he's done for me, or tried him and know him."

"Yea I never heard all y'all sing together it would be a treat to my ears."

"I'll discuss with the sisters and see what we can do for you."

"Thaaaannnnnkkk you." Jada kissed my cheek

"So momma how you feel about being engaged?"

"I love it, I love him."

"I love you too, hey y'all."

"Hey Mr. Sheard."

"I need y'all to go get dress so I can take y'all out, Karen you come with me."

"Oop, let's go home and get dress baby."

"And we will."

"Love you momma." They kissed my cheek before leaving. 

Drew grabbed my hand pulling me upstairs but apparently I won't walking fast enough.

"Come on girl, we got a couple of minutes and knowing them from what you tell might be a couple of hours."

"Ahhh drew." We went in my room, closing the door with his foot and the rest was history....

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