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Excuse any mistakes 🕉


It's been a month and things been surprisingly good. Aunt Karen comes and see me everyday bout three times that same day, auntie doe she does her drive by's cause she say she don't walk in folks houses that she don't know so she's sits in her car while I sit on the porch and we have our conversations. My auntie Twinkie came and I literally cried, I haven't seen her in so long. She doesn't really do traveling unless it's business so when she came I don't know what kind of emotions took over me but I was in tears. Now for aunt Jacky she calls me nonstop and will come if I don't answer the phone. Now there's one aunt that I met recently that I really don't have any memory of but her names Denise, they call her niecy I call her aunt D. I just wanna know, how does aunt Jacky, aunt Karen, and aunt D have normal names but that Dorinda and Elbernita. What was grandma Mattie thinking.

"They design these kinds of bui—." I forgot to mention aunt Doe was preaching today. I sat in the choir as Jada sat in the congregation front seat to be exact. It made me feel good that she'd actually come to church for the first time in 6 years. But anyways as I was saying so in the mist of aunt Doe preaching here comes this man with this worn out tambourine I mean it don't even sound right.

"Ok now listen alright that's good, that's good, that's good, alright alright." I wasn't trying to laugh but looking at jada holding in hers with tears rolling down her eyes and aunt Karen in front trynna do a church mouse snicker was taking me out. Aunt Doe  was a little fed off the man, cause all that won't called for.

I looked at Jada again as she still was holding her laugh. She mouthed to me "who cousin is this?"

Which made me buss out laughing and aunt Karen too. Aunt Doe looked at us laughing her own self then telling us to hush and turned right back around continuing to preach

Aunt Karen popped my hand as she was trying to let it go of her laughter.

"You in trouble when you come over for Sunday dinner. Making me laugh like that."

"I didn't do nothing you control of yourself." Aunt Doe had signaled the choir and ima just say this with aunt Karen directing she finna break us all the way down to letter fragments.

I could tell by the song they were playing we weren't finna walk out of church on time today.

Early one Sunday morning
A thought came in my mind
Where would I be if Lord himself had never turned back the time
Well I would still be lost
If it had not been for him
Well I don't know what I would do
If he hadn't brought me out of sin
Where the devil thought he had me
I sure got away, As a result of my gratitude
One thing that I can say is
Lord I thank ya

I don't know who felt it more us as in the choir or aunt Doe and aunt Karen. Aunt Doe reminds me of a energizer bunny cause she just goes in on full power. Then aunt Karen give her 4 seconds to warm up then bam there you go, them two together are so powerful to me, you'll get happy watching them get happy.

Like the thing with aunt Doe is when she have head down and just going in that head be bobbing then that foot work it be hitting. She could have on some of the highest heels and still cut a whole step it'll never cease to amaze me. Now for my aunt Karen especially when she sings hallelujah she tear up that head or come out them shoes it's officially, just hang it up because she not coming to play when it comes to that song.  I be in awe when aunt Doe catches it from watching her then grabs her hand as they walking out yet still cutting a step.  When it comes to my Aunt Jacky she's one of the smoothest cause she ease right on over and out, she's sorta like there usher cause when them two get lost in the spirit as in lost I mean taking over by it you can't help but to usher them off and let him have his way with them. They're all are just solely anointed and I love all and everything about it.

Aunt Karen passed the mic to me as for aunt doe was cutting her step all over that pulpit.

I come that you might, That you might have life
That you might have life, More abundantly
I come because I love ya, Come because i care
Come cause I know you need me, Come cause I'm always there
I looked toward the north, Look toward the south
I couldn't find nobody, to help me fight this fight
I looked toward heaven Looked toward heaven
Marys little baby, what is his name yall Jesus...

When I say aunt Karen was breaking the choir down, she was breaking them down.  I don't know if it was the song or just that god was in there cause next thing you know I forgot all about that song and cut my step and aunt Karen and aunt Doe on either side of me.

It's in my belief that the song was over but the spirit kept moving so we wasn't done just yet....


I just got one dang on question is the whole family anointed, I know I haven't been to church in a while but my god I'm just stunned really, amazed and all.

We were now at Aunt Karen's for dinner, she was getting on us about laughing.

"Aunt Karen that won't me it was jada fault and from where I was seated you was laughing way before I was.l

"Woah now how was that my fault." I chimed in whole stuffing speckled butter beans in my mouth.

"You the one said who cousin was that."

" Dorinda won't no better laughing herself."

"I didn't say I didn't." She responded while eating her chicken. One thing that I've learned from tap is that you want them to sing feed them some chicken they'll sing to you so good that you might just cry.

"Though that tambourine was through. It ain't even had no jinga jinga to it."

"It really didn't." They all said in agreement as a knock came at the door.

"I got it." Tyanna went and answered. I felt Tyanna's energy, it changed drastically. Her aunt Karen went and froze at mid-step.

"Who is it Tyan— oh my god......"

Ding Dong 🗣 who is it babies?

And I very much appreciate the love and support through out 🥺👉🏽👈🏽 it's officially my 4th year doing this and I can't help but to say that I love y'all 💕

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