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Excuse any mistakes


"Daddy!" Kalani came running up almost knocking Mrs. Sheard over.

"Hey baby."

"Aidden it's so nice to see you really."

"It's nice to see you to."

"Well son nice to see you resurface." Bishop came down and he honestly wasn't too happy to see me.

"Kalani, Karen, please accompany Tyanna in her room. I just wanna have a sit down, a pow wow with him."

"Ok baby, come on Lani."

They went upstairs and Bishop and I had a conversation.

"Son why did you leave?"

"I didn't pop, the plane crashed. I was in the hospital fighting for my life I have proof."

"But Jada—."

"Jada lied pops, she lied. Her whole plot was to gain Tyanna back. You know I promise you I would never do that to her."

"Look I'm just trying to figure this out because pops it hurts me for real, you know I wanted nothing but to be with her I'd never.."

"Son the pain that girl endured, Aidden the girl wish death on Jada because she thought she lost you."

"Pops, I really did try to get in touch with her but Jada kept feeding me lies, just like she was feeding her."

"Oh I'll handle her, just don't push her for a answer right now let her figure out in her own. No matter how bad you want her, she gotta make her own decision especially this time."

"Yes sir."

"Good, well she should be about ready; and please Aidden be careful."

"I will."

She came down with her mother as we said our goodbyes to them. Kalani didn't want to let go because she thought that I would leave her again. I regret leaving in the first place, I should've listened to Tyanna that day none of this would be happening.

We left and was now sitting across each other at the table.

She was still ever so beautiful, though her eyes told a story of pain, heartache.

"Talk to me pretty girl." I took her hand into mines waiting for her to speak.

"I- I needed you Aidden, I truly needed you."

"I know baby and I'm sorry."

"I don't.. I don't blame you. I just wish I knew, but I told yo stupid ass not to go on that damn flight. Wanna fly with spirit your ass was about to become a spirit."


"You think I'm playing. I'm not."

"I know. Look, I'm not trying to come between you and Jada, I swear. I just wanna be in your life, our child's life. I want you to be happy."

"Aidden that's the thing I was happy with you. You're.. you were my pride and joy."

"So what am I now?"

"You just popped back up, I need time to figure out."

"So you and Jada?"

"I don't know.. I don't—."

"Hey, don't cry babygirl." I wiped her eyes. "I love you."

"You mean it?"

"I do." She leaned in for a kiss as I held her hand.

" I love you too."


"Drew don't you start with me."


"That heffa a lie, yet you still gone justify her lying ass."


"You gone justi—HUH! You gone justify what her ass did everytime."

"Karen baby, what if Aidden's lying?"

"That nigga ain't lying, you just want him to be lying cause you tired of me getting on your ass bout how trusting you are with Jada. Blind ass, I should knock yo ass out."


"Don't speak to me right now."

"You always get mad over situations that ain't got shit to do with you. Tyanna is GROWN hell you pissy about." Her head snapped in my direction.

"Drew you better watch your fucking mouth with me about my child. Hell you just wanted to bite my vocal for getting ready to say something about Jada proposing. You knew, read my face, I felt like it was off but oh no John Drew Sheard, wanna be so trusting now look."

"Who you talking to Doc?"

"You! The man who stands in front of me. The lord gave me and intuition to trust and I'm bout to start believing it cause it hasn't led me wrong yet. Listen Drew you do what you do, I do what I do. But Damnit Drew I was right and there's no way you can justify what Jada did. Now if you would excuse me." She pushed passed me going upstairs.

Lord I got my hands full


"Jada! How could you."

"Who the hell wanna watch they're child choose another dude to do my part when I'm her parent."

"You're her sperm donor, you do and did nothing of what Aidden did for her. You still over here trynna confirm what Tyanna do, you're jealousy is your biggest problem. Tyanna was happy, your child was happy and here you go snatching that away for a marriage you're only going to be happy in, for a child who isn't gonna be truly happy. That little girl didn't forget any of what you did to Tyanna she just going long with it cause her momma was stupid enough to trust and forgive you. You want the truth, Karen knew it, she knew what yo ass was on she dismissed it cause she was listening to her husband."

"Well what you want me to do then huh!"

"Release her, let her be happy Jada. You keeping holding her, you using her vulnerabilities for your advantage."

"Michael. I love her."

"She's loves you but if you love her you would let her go, you're hurting her and you don't realize that or don't care to see it."


"Just don't say nothing to me Jada. I could've treated her a hell of lot better than you ever did."

"That's what it really is you want her!"

"No, I admit I did have a crush on her, but she's your woman I let that go. I just wanted you to treat her well Jada and you was doing good now you just constantly take her for granted and that ain't right. She's a good woman, a great parent, your closet friend. Jada do you not see the damage that you've caused. Look into her eyes tonight and tell me tomorrow what you see. If you can't see what you've done you one have no heart and two you just don't care." I got up leaving her to sit and think about what I said, I went to the kitchen hearing the door open.

"Hey baby, hey Mike." She smiled hugging me.

"Hey Tap, you look happy."

"I am, I just came from mama and you know anytime I'm with her I'm happy."


"So Tyanna, you see anybody lately."

"Oh yea, uh I ran into aidden yesterday.. he fed me some bs story."

"He's full of that." Me and Tyanna held a conversation between our eyes.
I knew what was up and surely wasn't about to say a word either. To be honest with y'all Jada deserve it, she deserve every coming her way.

I hate to say it but Jada, she's no good for anyone.....

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