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Bishop was so worn out he acted like he was the one to have delivered them when it was Jacky doing all the work.

"Drew, get some water. Looking like you bout to faint."

"Dorinda I have never encountered something like that a day in my life. Two babies, one day, in one room."

"John you act like you was in dey getting em out."

"I didn't want to be."

"You be in dey any other night, that's how he go there."

"See I— I'm not use to that happening before my eyes like right there Jacky, uh uh. May the lord bless you cause I don't know what would've happened if it was left up to me."

"You got that right?"

"Hey, I'm nurse Ula you can see Tyanna and Karen now."

"Ok." Bishop shot up and went to them immediately.

"Baby, princess. Y'all alright?"

"Yea the question is are you alright?"

"Yea dad, I thought you was gone faint for a moment there."

"I was actually, both of you are some of the strongest people I've ever encountered and Jacky she's remarkable."

"I am the best."

"I'm here Tyanna, Mr. and Mrs. Sheard. Is everyone ok?"

"We're ok, you wanna see him?"

"I'd love too."

"Well hello jada." I looked at her pulling her into a hug.

"Hi Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Chislom."

"Hey sweetheart, how you been?"

"I've been good, just trying to make sure this hard headed lady is alright."

"Looks like you're doing a good job."

"Yea, hey little guy. He's handsome."

"Jada that's Jdrew, this one is Tailyn."

"Hold on both of y'all had these? As in today?"


"Well ain't that something, bishop how did that go."

"I'll tell you he was chicken, stood back 30 ft while Tyanna was in labor trynna help Karen."

"Now you're making me sound bad Dorinda." We laughed cause he know good and well he won't no type of good when them two was bout to blow out folks ear drums.

"Nah he was ok after they popped out he just didn't know what to do at first."

"Jada I was like a chicken with my head cut off no seriously."

"Can I hold him?" I forgot I was holding little Tailyn, I handed him to her and he smiled.

"Somebody likes you Jada."

"Yea I like him too."


"Yes Mrs. Karen?"

"I can tell where Tyanna heart stands and it is with you but you can't do her like you've done before especially if you plan on being a family."

"Yes ma'am and I've been working on that. In terms of speaking I would like to apologize to you all, my actions then were more than disrespectful and I can only ask for you alls forgiveness. Mr. and Mrs. Sheard if I could ask for your help in guiding me into the right direction and for you Tyanna to stand by my side?"

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