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"I'm coming I'm coming geez. It's only 10:30 in the morning y'all act like people want to see you this early."


"Hey cole, may I come in?"

"Sure brother, how you doing?"

"I'm ok."

"Baby who is it- oh hey Drew."

"GoodMorning Greg."

"Morning baby." He kissed my cheek before fixing him a cup of coffee.

"So Drew what brings you by this morning?"

"Nothing.. well Karen stated something that I'm trying to fully understand."

"Which is?"

"The love that she has with me she's scared of it, how come?"

"Here Drew, have a nice cup of coffee." Greg passed a cup to him as we sat down.

"Drew, Karen never had any type of experience when it comes to relationships and falling in love. We sheltered her from that, especially me. I was the one Karen would always follow even if I was just going to the bathroom. See me I kinda had couple of guys that would walk me to class or sit with me at lunch. I just wouldn't have that for Karen, I was the one walking her to class wouldn't let no boy get near her. That was my baby sis and I felt and still feel the need to protect her. I don't want her heart broken cause I know she would not be the same. She's scared because she thinks it's too good to be true, she don't want anything to go wrong between you two. She's scared that if she gives her heart you might break it.  She's doesn't want her family to break, she doesn't want you to leave her, lose love for her, or just plain out find somebody else. She loves you, she's just afraid of being taken for granted, she afraid of getting hurt."

"But I'd never hurt her."

"We know, and so does she. Just try to understand that being that you're her first anything, you're her everything. She just wanna make sure that the love she has for you, you have the same without any intentions to hurt her."

"Yea I get what you're saying cole, ok thanks. I'll be more understanding. Do you think I should bring it up?"

"I think the conversation should happen but in her terms."

"Ok, ima take her out to dinner and maybe we can slide into that convo. Might get a little extra on the side but hey."

"My brother." He hived Greg and I just rolled my eyes. Men, you'd think they get enough.


Daddy🤍💍: get dress beautiful I'm taking you out to tonight

I'd love too but I'm tired babe, maybe another night ?

Daddy🤍💍: I- uh ok. Well I'll be home in a little while I'm at Cole house with Greg.

Ok baby I love you
Daddy🤍💍: I love you too Karen

Truth be told I was in here setting up for him. I can tell he's kinda nervous bout being a father so I want to give him a little dinner and let him know that everything will be alright. There's nothing he had to worry about.

"Put that over there for me Twinkie."

"Karen at least wait til I get in the door fully."

"Twink— come on I got you."

"I got it I got it."

"Fine miss ma'am's and miss mamas."

"So what is it you really have me over for?"

"One to tell you that I'm pregnant."

"This early in the game, I bet it was that night you in that car. I knew you had that man locked in and most definitely wasn't letting go."

I just looked away cause yea she ain't have to do me like that.

"Ok so what's the other thing?"

"Twink I've tried to hide the fear that's really inside me but I can't."

"What fear Karen?" She says beside me holding me close to her looking em in my eyes.

"Hey, Karen it's ok. Talk to me what's going on huh?" She wiped the tear that strolled down my eye.

"It isn't that I don't love him Twinkie because I do. I just never had someone to love me like this and I'm scared that it's too good to be true at times. I don't want him to bail on me I don't want to be heartbroken. I don't want him to leave if I mess up, leave because I don't know how to love a man properly. I don't him to leave because of my flaws, my insecurities. Because I'm still learning in this holy life I'm trying to live. Leave because I'm not good enough, pretty enough, or woman enough. I love this man I gave myself to this man fully. I'm in love with him Twinkie it'll rush me if he leaves, and before you say this is something you can't protect me from."

Karen Karen Karen, my sweet baby. It's ok to feel this way if he leaves you he be able to leave no one else after I'm done with him. You're more than good enough, more than pretty... you're everything Karen don't ever let me hear you say that again. He loves you truly, Karen you must tell him how you feel."

"I don't know if I can twink."

"You can and you will."

"I can't and I won't." Just then the door opened and he stood there with flowers while I was in a blue silk robe tied up

"Won't what baby?...."

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