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Excuse any mistakes


"I'm starting to see you more than I would like to."

"I thought I wouldn't see you ever again."

"I know, me too for a moment."

"Grandma I'm sorry. I failed you again, I don't even think I can handle this life anymore. Every test or trial I'm put through I fail."

"Tyanna don't you dare do that to yourself you here me."


"But nothing, it's not your fault nor was there anything you could do."

"I just wanna give up grandma."

"You will not do no such if thing!"


"Tyanna Amara Paige- Clark I said no. Karen wouldn't allow it, Dorinda, Twinkie, Jacky, not Drew. You better not or I'll be the one to knock you right on back into existence."

"Yes ma'am."

"Now come sit with me, watch and listen.  You'll soon see why you can't keep going on like this decide who you want to be with right now."

"I want to be with Aidden. Jada's hurt me so much my heart can't endure no more really. " she cleared a section showing Jada was damn near tonguing my mama down and she was trying to fight her off.

"I can't stand her, grandma allow me to wake up so I can whoop the sh—."

"Watch your mouth little lady."

"I'm sorry."


"Yes my child?"

"What did I ever do to get treated this way."

"Baby you've done nothing at all, but be yourself."

"If being myself gets me here then what should I do."

"You must continue to be yourself. Everyone isn't gonna love you, like you. Though for those who do you're in safe hands. Let that trifling Jada go, she's no type of good for you. All she does is lie cheat and steal from you. Lie about loving you, because as you can see she really doesn't; look at how she treats you. She only wants to keep you around because for one look at you, you're a very pretty young lady, your mature, you take care of your child pretty well especially without her. She needs you, to make herself look good. She cheat on you and don't care, one thing I've noticed she won't really in love with you her eyes always wandered of Karen. Neither of you paid any attention you was too blinded by love and loving her to see her true intentions. Steal from you because while  you were too busy trying to fix and love her; you let her steal you joy, your love, and happiness. Baby you can't continue to let that happen, can't let her continue to steal and hurt you. You need to put her in her place once and for all, you can't continue to let her hurt you and your child right along with your niece. If this doesn't open your eyes yo see that she really truly doesn't love you then I don't know what will."

"Yes ma'am."

"Though Aidden, might have been bribed to talk to you he truly liked you from the beginning when you two were in school. You we're just wrapped up in Jada slow tail. believe me Tyanna. He loves you, please don't retract and go back to Jada after you've seen all of her true colors."

"I won't grandma, I won't because my heart it won't let me anymore."

"Good, seems like your heart knows better than your mind."

"That's exactly what it seems like."



Ian knew to be hurt, mad, or disgusted. My eyes landed on Jada as she smirked gripping Karen's waist tighter grabbing her butt as Karen fought to move from her.

"I'm in love with you Karen and you can't say you didn't enjoy the kiss cause you did I felt it.

I punched Jada in her face forgetting she was a female.

"What you felt huh!"

"She kissed back. Her lips are so soft, ass real fat."

"I see why you wanna beat her ass. I give you my full permission."

Karen went at her ass with everything she could. I was coming to tell her that they couldn't let Jada in cause she wasn't family but hell this girl or whatever she is trynna get on my wife.

Tyanna on her dying bed and this chick in here kissing on her mama. They girl sick in the head for real.

"Jada I promise you you're not walking up out of here!" Karen had her in a choke hold and banging the girl into the sink counter.

"Karen, Drew, come quick. Tyanna's heart it stopped."

Karen just stopped with everything,  dropping jada to the ground.

"Jada. You're dead you hear me I mean dead." I grabbed Karen as we met Dorinda in the hallway crying her eyes out.

"I need Mrs. Sheard and Mrs. Cole please." The nurses escorted Dorinda and Karen to her room while, Jacky, Greg, and I sat outside.


"I'm sorry, I need a minute." I got up going outside I just couldn't take it. That was my little girl, I felt as if I've known her all of her life, I loved her as if I myself helped create her right long with Karen and I know she isn't really Karen's. Tyanna had so much to give, so much love to share and so much to offer.

I seen Jada walking out as if she didn't care." Jada!" she kept walking away, I got up going after her, I don't care anymore my baby might be gone after today. I grabbed her turning her around punching her in the stomach. I blacked out and just started wailing on her. Her cries for help meant nothing, just like Tyanna's own meant nothing to her.

"Drew! Drew!" I felt myself being pulled back coming back to reality. Jada was on the ground coughing up blood.

"Back down."

"How does it feel huh, nobody helping you. Tyanna lost herself in trying to help you and the way you've repaid her is most utterly disrespectful, disgraceful, and disgusting. I can't wait for Karen and Dorinda to get hold of you again I hope they snap your neck in two. I don't care if you two share a child you will never ever see Kalani Grace again. you're not getting custody and I'm most definitely pressing charges and you and that girl both. Try and press charges on Karen and Dorinda if you want to I swear you won't win. Mark my words Jada, I've had it up to hen piss with you."

"Oh fuck y'all for real, I'm gonna get my daughter."

"Yea we'll see about that...."

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