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Excuse any mistakes


"Mrs. Sheard if I may, could I speak with you." This girl done turned all proper and junk I be forgetting who I'm talking to at times.

"Umm sure Jada." I sat on the couch as she sat 6ft away from me.

"Jada why you so, you act like I'm contagious or something."

"No reason, simply giving you your distance along with respect ma'am."

Who took her to charm school, manners class or something?

"We're family Jada."

"I'm ok Mrs. Sheard. I was wondering if you could guide me with something. See I wanna get right, with god, you, Mr. Sheard and especially Tyanna and Kalani. I need a whole lot of guidance and was wondering if you or if you don't want to Mr. Sheard could help me. Ya know give some advice, words of encouragement."

"Sure thing Jada, I can tell you it's best to get to know him and I'm more than glad that you've chosen to get right. I'll help you in anyway that I can, first you could start by repenting. That's the best thing you can do, as for Bishop and I it's all forgiven."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Speaking of Tyanna how is she?"

"She's great, she's beautiful than ever, a great mother—." There was a twinkle in her eye when she started speaking of her, her cheeks rose in a reddish blush the same as mine did whenever I talked about Drew.

"I mean she's doing fine Mrs. Sheard."

"I get it baby."

"What time will Bishop be home Mrs. Sheard?"

"Probably later on after he get things straightened with the church."

"Ok, may I return when he's home. There's something else I would like to discuss with the both of you that is."

"Sure thing, I'll call you when he gets in."

"Thank you Mrs. Sheard."

"You're welcome baby." She stayed for about 5 minutes more before leaving and here came Dorinda and Twinkie.

"Hey Twank Twank, Hey gorgeous."

"Hey Karen." Dorinda grinned coming my way

"Karebear."  She came to me plopping herself in my lap.

"What's wrong Grace." I kissed her cheek as her face turned red once again. I truly believe Dorinda got a problem, no offense.

Her smile soon faded into a from as she looked me in my eyes

"Karen was there ever a time Drew didn't want you?"

"No, why? What's wrong?" I held her hand there was truly something wrong with her

"Greg acts as if he doesn't want me anymore."

"Dorinda you know that's not true, he's in love with you. You should this babygirl."

"I don't know Karen, he wouldn't let me.."

"Let you what exactly..?"

"Twinkie tell her."

"He wouldn't let her have relations with him."

"Is he crazy?"

"I don't know Karen. Every since the last time we did something I've tried a move you taught me and since then he wants me nowhere near him. He's gave me no kisses, no affection, nothing."

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