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Excuse any mistakes


Karen's been back and forth between over here and at Tyanna's. She even took the kids over there all together, but today she has to stay with me because we have to attend a meeting in the morning and I'm driving, Karen is truly not a morning person and her eyes don't function til afternoon. She was back and upstairs I didn't see her when she came in but I heard her up there


"Yea Karen."

"What you want to eat tonight, I'm in a cooking mood and plus I can tell you ain't been cooking for your own self."

My eyes almost popped out of my head looking at her. She looked so darn good with this ruby red lace, nails done, and hair did. Mmm mmm mmm, I'll never get tired of being in her presence, I'll never grow tired of looking at her either.

"Karen baby, listen." I walked over to her grabbing her hands and sitting down.

"I want to apologize, you were right and I promise from now on we're gonna have family time I swear. Just Karen when I take you out it's not only for sex after I just wanna show you off, give the guys something to be jealous about. Then when we get home it's a reminder I'm banging the finest Christian ever, nobody can copy that. Look at you baby, I know sometimes you look at yourself and be like damn I could fuck myself just because you look that good. Please, don't get me wrong my kids are everything to me and I love spending time with them, with all of us together; but also Karen I love spending my time with you rather it's intimate or goofing off but lately its been so intimate that we forgot how to goof off.

"Yeah you're right love, and I apologize myself honestly."

"It's fine, we cool ?"

"We good baby." I picked her up and hugged her tightly.

I was in love with Karen Valencia Clark-Sheard and I didn't care if the whole world knew. She has my heart.

"So with you looking like this—."



"What did we just discuss?"

"But baby."

"Baby my ass, I swear I wonder about you."

"About what?"

"Is it all even worth it."

"What you trynna say Karen?"

"Nothing John."

"Karen, you know we're meant to be. Don't start questioning us now, you know I'm the only one for you just like you're the only one for me."

"I'm questioning us."

"Yes you are, look if you wanna go see how it is with someone else then all means gone head."

"Drew, that's not what I'm say— you know what, fine." She got up walking upstairs I could hear her going through stuff.

"Where you going?"

"You just told me to see how it is with somebody else. Well I'm going and if I don't come back it's your fault."

"Karen wait, I didn't mean it."

"Yes you did, because I wasn't questioning us I was just saying when I talk to you it goes in one ear and out the other I was wonder was me talking even worth it. You just assume I was talking bout us. Men.. I see why Dorinda kept me at bay. Y'all are some of the most idiotic ass people, just talk straight out ya ass and when we do what y'all say it's our fault. I don't understand y'all for real."

"Karen please baby, I'm sorry I should've listened instead of assume and get mad."

"Yea think before you talk the next time."

"Always princess."

"Yea." She still was gathering her stuff.

"Where you going though?"

"Back to Tyanna's you can pick me up in the morning."

"Baby, you not gone finish cooking?"

"You got it, I'll see you tomorrow."

Damnit Drew you always get yourself in trouble.



"Yea baby."

"Hey." I went into where she was and she turned her phone away from me.

"Hey love."She kissed my cheek holding me.

"Babe who was that you were texting."


"You never turned your phone away when you text Michael."

"It's surprise baby, you so nosy."

"Mhm." Soon enough Michael came in the door, with flowers.

"Tyanna these are for you."

"Thank you Michael, how you doing?"

"I'm good, is Jada treating you well."

"Yea." I looked at her as she was texting someone and it wasn't a good thing either.

"So babe when you want to get married?"

"Jada we have time there's no rush."

"But baby."

"Jada in due time ok."

"Fine Fine."

"Hey, Tyanna if you aren't doing anything tonight want to hang out, you, Jada, Randy and I?"


"Yea you haven't met Randy?"

"Jada never mentioned anyone but you."

"Oh yea there's a bunch of us, including mama too."

Something wasn't making sense here and I need to go to my mother cause something in the butter milk just ain't clean.

"I'd love too but I'm gonna go see mama today, I hang with you next time Michael I promise."

"Ok that's cool, tell Mrs. Karen and Mr. John I said hello."

"Matter a fact Michael, come with me."

"You sure?"

"Yea, just let me get dressed."


Jada was up to something y'all I feel it....


I've been in the hospital for 3 months recuperating from the accident. I almost didn't make it I swear. I texted Jada to let her know where I was, to let Tyanna know, but I never got a response. I've been out for a week just trying to get things together like my place, my car, and my financials. I stopped by Walmart picking up somethings a lady on the same aisle as me needed help reaching the tissues. I notice her on the phone with someone and her voice sounding so familiar I knew it and I know that I knew it.

"Where's Michael when I need him, probably over there finna get some nerf guns or something."

"Ma'am I can help you with that." Our eyes locked and immediately fell inlove all over again, I couldn't believe my eyes it was her. The love of my life right in front of me.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." The voice signed the deal it was her.

"Tyanna, baby."


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