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Excuse and Mistakes


"Jada I want to talk. I need closure for myself to move on happily with my child and my life."

"You're not taking my child away from me."

"You'll see her but it'll have to be with me and Aidden."

"I don't want her around him."

"Yea, I know. Honestly I don't want her around you."


"Why'd you choose me?"

"What you mean."

"You was my bully first, then you became my lover, and now it feels like you're my bully all over again you just let someone else do the dirty work. Why didn't you help me? I cried out for you and you was willing to let me almost die then to step up and help save the mother of your child. You have no respect for me, no respect for my mother, no respect for your daughter. You don't love me you never did yet I was too blind to see. I fell head over heels in love with you, risked my religion and my life to be with you and you don't care. You didn't want me you wanted my mother, you're sick I seen you kiss her in the bathroom while she was trying to pull away. Jada answer me this, since you claim you love me tell me why. What is your reason being loving me?"

"Tyanna I can't explain it."

"I can explained why I loved you but can't fit me?"

"Well why did you love me?"

"I loved because you had no one else that loved you. I loved because I seen your heart, what I thought was a good heart turned out cold. I seen so much potential in you and I tried to help you in every way. I loved you because you're a beautiful person whom I thought could change you to a better person. I thought my love would be enough to help you mature. I loved you despite of who you were, I couldn't see past trying to fit you to be a good person. I feel so damn stupid."


"No Jada I lost myself in trying to fix and love you, how could I ever be so ignorant to help you. You were never going to change, you never loved me. I broke myself down trying to be with you, trying to keep you and you didn't want to be kept. I've almost died trying to protect you, keep you, and love. Well no more Jada, I'm done with you for good."

"Tap, listen. I'm sorry ok, I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I apologize for everything that I've done to hurt you. When it comes to your mother I was out of line, I only acted out in anger to make you made for getting with Aidden but I now realize that Talea sent him to do that--."

"Wait what do you mean Talea sent him?"

"She did it to throw you off of me so she could have me to herself."

"So Aidden doesn't really love me?"

"From what she's stated no, but I don't believe it. His actions shows to much for him not to care."

"Nobody loves me?" I couldn't even pretend that I wasn't hurt because I was.

"People do love you, Kalani, Kierra... the Clark Sister's. I do."

"You don't."

" I do Tyanna, I Married you and you became my first love, my everything. You mean more to me than life itself. I hate myself for hurting you in the ways that I did. I love you because your heart, It's pure. Your, aroura is warm; you're a good person, a very beautiful person. I want you the whole while in school but I thought you was stuck up and snotty, so I became your bully. That's when I realize who you were, one of the most purest, friendliest, kindest person to grace this earth. You're angelic just like your mother. Tyanna stop the tears, you are loved more than you may ever know. Come here let me at least wipe your tears away."


"Don't you ever think that you're not loved." I wiped her tears away and held her face in my hands looking into her eyes I then realized that I hurt her beyond measure making it harder for the next.

"Look at me, I'm Sorry." I kissed her cheek. "I love you."

"You don't."

"I do babygirl."

"You're actions they don--." I shut her up with a kiss.

"No Jada, move."

"Tap, I love you. I do, please believe me. Everything that you've been through I'm the one to blame and I'm sorry. I'd give my life for yours at this point, it doesn't matter to me any more. You're right I need to change for myself and my family Tyanna I can't and I mean honestly can't live without you and I thought I could. Will you give me time to change and be better for you and us, please?"

"Jada I don't know."


" Jada I've gave you chances after chances, what else you want me to do."

" I want you to love me." Our eyes fell into a deep intense stare, I grabbed her by her neck and gave her one of the most passionate kisses I could ever give her.

" Tyanna, I just want you to love me, please. Despite my wrongs, just love me unconditionally and whole heartedly until I get myself together and even after. I want your love and only your love forever and ever. I need it, it's addicting. It's the only and will always be the only other cure for me. Please Tyanna, say you'll love me?...."

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