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Excuse any mistakes


We came back home yesterday and had service this morning.

"Drew! Help me put my shoes on please, you got me in this mess help me out."

"Drive your scooter round this way."

"Drew I'm gonna kill you once this is out my system."

"Come on I know that thing go faster than that."

"Ouu John Drew, you just don't know how bad I wanna take ya part and stick it up your own ass."

"There's my scooter girl."

"I hope Dorinda cuts ya mustache."

"Why you wearing heels it ain't like your walking."

"Jdrew hush!"  I put her shoes on, trying to figure to figure out how she put her clothes on but can't put her shoes on. Karen did stuff that I really can't explain.

"You ready?"

"Yea, might as well." I had to borrow Twinkie's van to get Karen in cause I kinda messed her up good this time.

We got to church on time but got in the building 30 minutes after 8:30 morning worship.

"Goodmorning dad, Goodmorning Ma— Oh my god Mama. Dad what did you do?" Tyanna rushed to her side almost immediately.

"I heard somebody say my baby  Karen wa— lord hamercy my god Drew what in the world." Dorinda stepped out her heels took her earrings.

"Aunt Doe Doe put your wig back on please." Tyanna went behind her trynna hold it on.

"Tap can I please stay with you."

"Of course mama."

"Mama Karen, we would love to have you but it's kinda full over there right now." Aidden nudged her and shifted his eyes at me signaling me that we needed to talk.

"She can stay with me, Greg out of town so I could use some company."

"Thanks Dorinda, ion think I could stand being  with Drew. He be tearing me up Chile."

"Dad, could I speak to you but for service?"


"What's up Son."

"I'm planning the wedding in Hawaii, I need you to handle things down here please."

"Of course son. If I could ask who's gonna be staying with Tap while you're away?"

"Jada." He ducked like I was gonna hit em.


"Yea I got them to make amends. I was shock how they took so easily to fix things."

"Yea me too."

"Bishop, Goodmorning and Goodmorning to you sir. Bishop we're just about ready for you and First Lady to join us."

"Alright elder Adams, by the way this my son in law Aidden. Aidden this the guy that be hitting on my wife cause he's not married."

"Hey! Bishop remember you almost lost that pretty little lady in there."

"Who I was gonna lose her too, most definitely not you."

"Well I've heard that I'm ladies man, charm the jewels right off her neck."

"The only jewels you're charming off anyones neck is ya momma now go on and get em started I'll be there in a minute." We laughed as he exited.

"Come on son lets go get the word." We walked going on to the pulpit first.

"Have a seat beside me son, Karen don't need that chair."


"Hey beautiful, I picked Kierra up sitting her on my lap. Dorinda was gonna preach today, ima tell ya know them sisters can sang but when they preach my god. Dorinda and Karen are preaching power houses.

"Hey uncle A."

"Hey pumpkin, where Kalani."

"With mommy, she's hurt and we was trying to make her feel better."

"Oh ok."

"How bout after service Kierra we go get her some flowers."

"Ok Daddy." She kissed my cheek then pulled my mustache

"It's your fault anyways." She got off of me going to Jacky.

"You should be a shamed of yourself." She popped me in the back of my head.

"Ow Jacky."

"Boy you better duck and cover cause me Dorinda got it in for you. Be very careful." As the worship team was walking off and I was walking to the podium to pray you could the squeaking of wheels rolling out. Ian never wanted to laugh so bad.

The whole congregation gasped as they seen Tyanna, Dorinda walking on either side of a rolling Karen. Adams looked my way mouthing "you did your thang." Then started laughing quietly to him self. 

Aidden shook his head as I called him up to do the prayer, I just couldn't. The church was so quiet you could a pen drop, a fly buzz, and Karen pushing the joystick forward.

"Would uh everyone please bow there heads. Father god we come to you as humble as we know how, first to say thank you...."

That boy can pray you hear me, even Dorinda felt something. Karen shifted her eyes me as I just smiled. I loved my life.

Aidden was now seated as I shook his hand. "Boy you can pray, you from the church?"

"No sir, I just found myself getting closer to god."

"I'm glad you are, I don't want seem as if I'm forcing you but. Anytime you're read feel free to join ok son."

"I will Pops." 

Dorinda got up and started her sermon. "If god made you a promise, hold on to it. He finna make it good. Amen. Bishop clock me, I know I have a time problem."

"Alright Cole." 

During the sermon I felt eyes on me, Kalani, Tap, Karen, Jacky and Kierra, along with the congregation.

Karen hated me right and I loved it. Service got over maybe 15 minutes after the given time, but it's Dorinda. We can totally expect that from her, the girl don't know what time is when it takes over.

"Uh uh bishop, Karen coming with me. Can you walk?"

"Do it look like Dorinda, move before I run you over in the witch shoes." Yea she was completely pissed. I couldn't help but laugh, Dorinda snickered her own self.

"Treat her with care Dorinda."

"I will."

"I love you honey."

"Drew do not talk to me for real, come on Kierra."

"I'll be over in a little bit mama, Jada wants us over for dinner."


"Yea mama, she's changes so far from what I'm seeing."

"Mhm, we'll discuss this at Dorinda house. I pray she don't try to poison you."


"I'm just saying, the girl be off her rocker." I could stand to agree with that

"Yea, umm you and Dorinda drive safe."

"We will."

"Pops, I'll be by while Tyanna is at Dorinda to finish our discussion."

"Ok, y'all be safe. Love y'all and you the mostest Mrs. Sheard."

"I love you too baby."  The left and Adams turned to me.

"Knock it out the frame will you?"

"That's exactly what I did." Adams and I went to my office to go over what we had to do for the rest of the week.

Ian gone lie I felt like I was on top of the world knowing I tore Karen up like that. How the sisters say it, I got it and I thank god I got it. I got it and nobody else could give it to her, that's how I know she won't going nowhere....

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