42. Liam #imagine for @1dlonden (:

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It was a cold afternoon in London, I was watching a film with Liam while we were babysitting some kids out of our street. 

They were a twin, aged 4 or 5, and their names were Niamh and Anna. Their parents were very friendly and even wanted to pay us, but we rejected, we didn't need it since it was already fun to do all of this. 

'At what time would they be back again?' I asked Liam, the twin came back inside and joined us, watching the movie.

'Around 11 tonight, we've to make dinner and everything.' He smiled. I chuckled, I suck at making dinner, and I know that he would too, this was going to be fun.

'Uncle Liam, can we get a cookie?' Niamh, the one with the big blue eyes asked.

'Of course, I'll go with you.' He released himself from our position and stood up, Niamh grabbed his hand and walked towards the kitchen, dragging Liam along. I chuckled and Anna climbed onto the couch and sat next to me.

'Are you and Liam married?' She asked. 

'No, we're not married, but we are in love.' I smiled at her and she nodded.

'You are his princess, aren't you?' She looked at me, her green eyes sparkling. Their eyes was the only thing that was actually different, they looked so alike.

'I don't know, you should ask him, but I can tell you that he is my prince.' I whispered and she giggled, I didn't notice Liam was leaning against the doorpost and smiled at us. Niamh walked over to us and gave us both a cookie before she sat with us on the couch, looking at Liam.

'Come and sit with us!' She demanded and he laughed, walking over and sitting in between the two little girls.

'Liam? Is she your princess?' I heard Anna " whisper "  in Liam's ear, he nodded.

'She is my princess, she's wonderful isn't she?' He answered and she nodded. 

I chuckled and returned to the movie, one of the girls got on my lap, giving Liam the opportunity to get closer and wrap an arm around me, the other got on his lap, we looked just like a little family. 

I looked at him, he was busily trying to explain the movie to the girls, I realized I was lucky to have him, he'd be a really good father and everyone loves him. 

'But I'm going to take my princess to the kitchen now because we need to make dinner.' Liam said, I had completely zoned out.

'Awww! Can we watch Nickelodeon?' 

'You can, I'll put it on, but don't make a mess while we're in the kitchen okay?' I said and stood up, placing Anna on the couch and putting the TV on Nickelodeon.

Liam walked into the kitchen, I just followed him and he got some pizza's out of the freezer, I chuckled, he'd been making me worry for nothing.

'They were prepared, they told me there were pizzas.' He winked.

'Good, because I can't cook. at all!' I took one of them and put it in the oven while he was unwrapping the other one from the box and the plastic paper.

'You know that you do a really good job with them? you're so adorable.' He said, locking me in with his arms on the counter, me in between them.

'Why thank you.' I smiled and he looked into my eyes deeply, leaning in closer and closer.

'EEEEEW they're going to kiss!' We heard and looked at the door, Niamh was standing there, hands over her eyes.

'We just got into the moment..' I laughed and walked over, lifting her up. 'A prince and a princess kiss when they really love each other you know that?' 

'I do! like mommy and daddy!' She smiled happily.

'Yes, they also got married, but we're a bit young to marry.' I smiled, I took a quick look at the pizza's noticing they were done. 'Do you want to check the pizza with me? I think they're done..' 

'Yes!' She smiled and opened the oven carefully, looking at them. 'They're done!' 

'Yes they are!' I put her down and stepped aside so Liam could take them out and cut them in slices, I got 4 plates on the dinner table and poured 4 glasses of lemonade.

We all ate together, which was so adorable with the twins because they had pizza all over their face! 

I cleaned up afterwards and Liam helped the girls to get their teeth brushed and into their pyjama's. 

'Hey, need some help?' I said/whispered when I walked into their room, he was tucking them in and I stood against the doorframe and watched him.

'And now sleep and dream about princesses and princes..' He smiled and kissed both their heads, he once again proved that he'd be a really good father.

We stepped out of the room and I stopped him from walking any further.

'You're even better with children than I am, it's so sweet how you act with them, I can't wait to have our own little boy or girl walking around..' 

'Thanks babe, it means a lot.. I love you.' He smiled and pressed his lips on mine.

'I love you too.'

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