33. Harry #imagine for @1D_love_me

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I was just checking my mentions and timeline before I went of to my job interview.

"Boy of the day; Harry." I squealed and smiled, closing my laptop after I RTed the tweet.

I got in a cab and sat down, seeing someone else had been going in too, on the other side.

'Oh sorry, mind if we take it together?' the boys, with curly hair asks.

'No, it's fine, I have to go to the other side of the city though.' I said, blushing lightly.

'me too! I'm Harry by the way.' I noticed an accent and smiled, it was cute.

'I'm Annie, nice to meet you Harry.' I shook his hand and he chuckled.

He was a spontanious boy, chatted a lot with me and told me about himself.

'We're here Miss.' The driver said and I paid him, Harry didn't like the fact I did and walked along with me. 

'I should've paid! here.' He said and gave me the amount of money I paid the driver. 

'No, it's fine!' I chuckled. 'I don't miss the money.' 

'Me neither, I want you to take it, come on!' He stood in front of me, holding me from walking along.

'No, please, I gotta go to my job interview.' 

'Where is it?'

'Syco.' I answered and chuckled. 'I can get a job to do some styling things.' 

'I work there too, and we were getting a new stylist!' he said enthusiastically.

He walked me to Syco since he had to go there too and again we talked quite much, until I had to go for my job interview.


It went well and I was stylist now, for a band called One Direction and I was going to meet them right away. Their manager came to bring me to the boys and he opened a door, letting me walk in and then closing the door. 

I immediately saw Harry again, and now 4 other boys too.

'Hi again!' Harry said happily, the manager had left us alone.

'so, you're our new stylist and Harry's new girlfriend?' 

'I don't know what you said to Harry, but if he wants that, he could've said it himself at least.' I chuckled. 'and yes, I'm your stylist, Annie.' I smiled and shook their hands.

Harry hugged me and whispered. 'I'd love to make you my girlfriend.' when he released himself from me he winked.

'We'll start dressing you for the tour already then, I had to start my job immediately.' I said and finished all the boys fairly quick, they went out for a drink, leaving me and Harry alone because Harry was the last one. 

'So, what you think? would you like to be my girlfriend?' he said and we leaned to the same thing on the floor, I blushed as he gave it to me.

'Yes, I'd love to.' I smiled and he grabbed my waist so he could kiss me.

I hope you liked ittt :) xx. 

-Celina @chasingtommo

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