3. Harry #imagine for @4ever_LuvU

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you chose #3! :) 


'Harry, come on, it's fun!' i said, trying to get him out of bed. 'the park nearby is beautiful, come on, you can lay down there too, in the grass, together with me!' 

'nooooooo.' he whined. 'i want to stay here.' he let out a yawn and i grabbed his hand and tried to get him out of bed, but he's a bit heavy so it was hard.

'got ya!' i yelled happily as he fell out of bed.

'get into clothes and i'll make some food to take with us. chopchop!' i smiled and helped him up, he killed me while hugging me and i kissed his cheek before going downstairs.

i was making sandwiches and felt a warm embrace after a couple of minutes, Harry laid his head on my shoulder and watched me making food and putting it in a basket with some drinks, a blanket and some other things we needed.

we walked and talked the way to the park and sat down in the sun on our blanket, Harry pulled me next to him and used me as a teddybear, trying to sleep.

i chuckled and tickled his belly, holding him awake and looking at him sweetly.

i got up in sitting position and got something to eat, the strawberries first.

i laid down with the strawberries in between us and pushed one in his mouth.

he opened his eyes and ate it, letting my bite the half of it and eating the other half. 

i smiled at him and kissed his lips, a sweet strawberry taste made the kiss even better.

an old couple was looking at us and spoke; 'remember when we did things like that? they're definitely going to marry!' 

i looked up and smiled at them, the woman nodded and they walked away.

Harry chuckled and pulled me in for anouther kiss.

'seems like we're going to marry..' he said.

'yes, yes we will.' 

we went over to the swings as we ate the rest of the things and he pushed me lightly as i sat on one.

i giggled in excitement and he sat down next to me and we just smiled and talked a little.

'i love you.' 

3 was 'park' :)

hope you liked it xxx.

Personal #imagines.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora